Poptropica Game Show Island

So far, there are 40+ islands in Poptropica. There are more to be released in the future. Game Show Island is Poptropica’s 22nd island. The countdown timer started on October 18, 2011, and it was released for members on October 27 for members with a demo for non-members. It opened for all on November 22, 2011. Holmes may be a reference to Sherlock Holmes, a famous fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

  1. Poptropica Game Show Island Thinknoodles
  2. Poptropica Game Show Island Help
The question on everyone's lips is: what is the next Poptropica Island?
Well, we're trying something a little bit different this time. We've got over 40 full Islands on the site already. That's great for most players, but some of those Islands -- okay, most of them -- are very complex and challenging!
That's why we're putting our efforts toward a new Island especially for first-time players. It's shorter than most, with simpler objectives. The idea is to let new players understand how to approach the challenges of Poptropica and give them the tools they need to crack some of the tougher Islands, like Escape From Pelican Rock.
If you're already a Poptropica expert, fear not! We think you'll like this Island too. It's got some fantastic art, great gameplay, and hilarious characters. In other words, everything you love about Poptropica!
We'll let you know when this new Island is available. It's coming soon!

Game Show Island

Welcome to a future where robots rule. Building computers to compete on TV game shows seemed like a funny idea - until the machines wanted more. Now, after years of robotic dominance, Poptropica needs a savior. Are you clever enough to beat the robots at their own games, and restore the dignity of all Poptropicans?


Poptropica game show island walkthrough thinknoodles

Poptropica Cheats for Game Show Island

Drop down from the blimp and... holy... what's wrong? There are robots everywhere! It seems that girl is forced to help that robot lady out. Hmm... that looks fishy... walk right and soon you should come to a robots-only club. Hmm, dead end. Run left to the museum. Walk left and watch the video. Oh my god... something's hideously wrong with his place! We've got to find the Inventor, and destroy Holmes! Look around, and talk to the guy behind the gift shop booth. Go up, and... WHOA! Look at that statue! Run out of this museum and walk left.
Climb up the Robo-Bling boutique and to the Robots-only terrace. Keep going and grab the toolbox from the roof. Jump off and... hey, what's this button do??? Oh great, you alerted the robot police. It's a good thing he lets you off the hook. Read the WANTED notice, then keep going left, to the factory area. Look around, then enter the factory. Hmm, looks like that toolkit could help us here... Talk to the people in there and run right. Jump to the top of the crates and to the window with the creepy robot eyes watching your every move. Go left and... whoa, you can operate the cranes! Stand on the crane and press and hold the UP button. Halfway to the top, jump left to find another control area and a computer. Click on it and press random keys. Hey, the gate has been raised! Run back to the crane and take yourself up. Jump right and go through.
Hmm, it looks like these controls are screwed shut! Use that handy toolbox :) and free them by clicking each one and spinning counterclockwise. Yay, you are now in control of the city's power! Flip the first switch at the top left and the conveyor belt is working again. The lady there will give you a fan as a reward. Take it outside. Run back to the Nouveau Riche Club. The huge hulk at the door will let you in, thinking you are the air conditioner-fixer. Oh yeah! Run right and talk to the club owner. You can play pool on the way if you like, but it's not required. He promises to reward you if you find a way to cool him down. Use the fan, and click in his direction. He will give you a nickel. What? That's it?! Oh well. Look around the club and the second floor. Darn, that place is robots only! And hey, guess what? Your fan lets you fly!
Whee! Okay, before you get too attatched, run left to the far end of the factory and give the nickel to the ex-game show specialist. He will reward you with heat-vision goggles! These could come in handy... try them out right here. Whoa! This could really help you find the inventor, if you knew where to look. Run right to the club, and use them here. Look to the top floor and... whoa! Some mysterious figure just went up the vent shaft! Run there and dive in. Oh great, it's sealed shut. Run outside and use your fan to reach the window near the top right of the outside. You'll need the toolkit again to take out the bolts. Dash inside. There's the Inventor! But he doesn't believe you and has blocked the way!
Run over there and go up, to the floor above the fog machine. Shove the record machine thingy all the way right, to the elevator. Follow it down and walk right. Oh no! The inventor will drop a huge block, breaking the ladder! Run right and climb the ropes up, then drop off left. Walk left and climb the ladder, and then exit to the roof. Oh darn, it's locked! Maybe his body heat is still on the keys... it is! But what is the code? 2-0-1-4 for me, but it could be different for everyone. The way to check is to observe the shape of the marks. If it's a flat circle, it's the last digit. The other shapes should have a train leading from them, showing the next number. Follow him up there. He will show you his UPAD, whatever that is. It's like a journal. Then you will receive the remote control to the airplane that was to be Holmes's reward. Use it and.. WHAT!? Climb in.


Walk right and talk to the game show host. The lady there seems very upset. And now she's dropping the prizes! You have to tilt the awnings (by standing on them) to make a path to the host. It's fairly easy, and you aren't timed or anything. After you're done, you will be awarded with a chance to play on $pin for Riche$! So what are you waiting for? Okay, this game is where you have to spin and hope you get the correct letter (what???) This makes it very tough to beat. Or, you can solve, where you have to do the whole word. Each correct letter is worth 100 points, each correct word is worth 1000. The winner is the one with the most points. You don't want to get the toxic waste symbol, though, it means you have to lose a turn! Anyone wanna know what my trick is? Spin at first unless you ABSOLUTELY know the answer, and then click Solve after checking this page for the answer. It's actually pretty easy. Here are all the answers -- memorize 'em quick!
  • According to a Tee Shirt, a man with many emotions. Chuck Norris
  • Nobody can call him a blockhead. Phineas
  • The first president. George Washington
  • George Washington and Thomas Jefferson Virginians
  • Maybe this song was dedicated to Darth Vader. Every Breath You Take
  • Two great tastes that taste great together. Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • Spaceman Spiff's alter ego. Calvin
  • Their life is sweet. Zack and Cody
  • Advice you'd give to a frog. Look before you leap
  • When you hear it, you should be on your feet. The National Anthem
  • A movie about disco or a weekend to text a friend when you're sick Saturday night fever
  • He invented the Moon Walk, not Michael Jackson. Neil Armstrong
  • Better come inside if you see these. Cumulonimbus Clouds
  • A cat and a U.S. president. Garfield
  • The band, not the bugs. John Paul, George and Ringo
  • He's not a fan of Lady Gaga's wardrobe. Her drycleaner(thanks Happy Star)

Poptropica Game Show Island Thinknoodles


Run right and up to the builder guy. He has made a major mistake! Let's help him out by moving the minaret parts from the second to fourth pedestal. The trick is to use the empty pedestals to keep some there temporarily. Here's a video explaining what to do. In Scaredy Pants, you have to compete in three freaky challenges. And by freaky, I really mean it. In the first one you have to get the glow stick and return it before being SHOCKed by the giant fishies. Easy, becuse the maze is only three levels deep and it tells you where it is. The second one is simple, if you can get through it before fainting (mice! spiders! snakes! GAAAAAAAH!) The third one is tough. You have to cross the tightrope without falling off. Remember, it's a race against the clock! And you have to win at least the last two games to win.

Buenos Aries

Get off the tower and run left. Talk to the muscle guy and click on the rings. He will help you turn the rings to get the clock working. You have to connect the terminal on the left to the one on the right. It looks easy, but it's not because when you turn one, the rings next to it move too. To tell you the truth, I forgot how it did this... sorry... but I remember that once all the pipes were lined up vertically, I clicked each ring in order from right to left, then left to right, and then I clicked the second-to-outside ring. Maybe. Anyway, the robot gives you his ticket for Kerplunk as a reward. Get ready to get soaked! Travel to the show. This one is not too hard, if you have a fast computer and fast reflexes. You have to get through each of the three courses. You can only lose once. I have some tips: for the first one, the big boots are easy to pass if you start halfway up the ramp and jump over the low part of the course. Then jump to the platform by the waterfall. Wait until the cannon has fired before tackling the sticky platforms. On the second one, you have to move around in the air to land on a platform, because the balloon won't land you exactly on a platform. The third one is a bit like the building-climbing part in Wimpy Wonderland or the Totem Jump in Reality TV. You have to jump as soon as the platforms wobble. Other than that, Kerplunk is the most fun challenge here.


Get off the towers and run all the way right, to the robot with the icicle through his head. He has forgotten the code, so we have to jog his memory by switching the colors of windows. What I did is used process of elimination -- they give you plenty of tries. My code was purple-blue-orange-purple, but yours could be different. Now you earn a ticket to the game show Braniacs, the show that started it all! Head on over there. This show is like Jeopardy. You choose a topic and how much money you will get (or lose.) If you answer right, you get the money. If you answer wrong, you lose the money. Simple. I suggest going for the highest amount of money if you know the topic. I also suggest starting with the topic 'The World of Poptropica.' If you mastered Money Ladder, this should be super easy! For the final round, if all of the other contestants are disallowed from the final round, you should wager one dollar less than the maximum wager. For me, all the robots had negative amounts of money (so they were disallowed) and the final question I remembered from Money Ladder. Have fun! And prepare for the final challenge...


Run right, ignoring all the shops. It looks like everyone is distressed because they can't watch Mr. Yoshi's Challenge! At the end, fix the puzzle by rearranging the pipe pieces. Make it through five rounds of this and you rstore the power! This is similar to the Steamworks challenge in Zack's room. And make sure to start from where the electricity is coming! (Don't ask me how I know this.) When you are done, you get a ticket to a challenge where you have to amuse Mr. Yoshi. Run over there before he runs out of patience. This game is not too tough. Your job is to amuse Mr. Yoshi by dressing up and doing ridiculous things. In the first one you dress up like a baby and have to build a tower of blocks saying 'YOSHI.' My trick is to rotate them all on the ground, then stack them. In the second one you have to crack out of your shell by clicking as fast as you can. You only have 40 seconds. The third on is tougher. You have to knock out all ten living bowling pins. I just stood on the bottom floor, waiting for one to fall towards me. It worked, but I didn't have much time left. And finally, you've won this challenge and are free from those costumes! And you know what that means... head on over to Main Street.
Hey! The Inventor has left a message for you! Uh-oh, Holmes is looking for you. Rush to Main Street. Oh no! In a few seconds everyone will be combing the streets searching for you! Hey, the Inventor's calling you. Run down to the hatch. Okay, so all we gotta do is unlock the main computer and reprogram Holmes. Easy... NOT!!! Run left and click on the computer. Finish the puzzle by moving the pieces around. You will have to break circuits from before to get another piece there. It's not too tough. Oh, great, that police robot is drilling a hole through the wall! Run left and to the next computer. Ignore Holmes and complete this circuit. He's making you a deal: you forfeit all the money and he puts you to work, with only weekends off. Never! Run left and down the hole. Dash right and to the next puzzle. Okay, now he's saying we split the money. And he won't make you call him 'sir'. Not good enough for me! Run through the next hole and speed left. Finish this puzzle and run downstairs. re-program Holmes... and... after some !@#$%^&* words... and random noises... and after 'Mary had a little lamb'... Holmes is back to normal! Turn down playing Tic-Tac-Toe and snatch that golden medallion from the Inventor. Finally, the robots have been defeated!
Have you noticed that these game shows remind you of some real-life ones? I'm thinking these:
  1. Brainiacs Jeopardy
  2. Scaredy Pants Fear Factor
  3. Spin for Riches Wheel of Fortune
  4. Kerplunk Wipeout

Poptropica Game Show Island Help

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