Poptropica has been giving us new islands to play this summer. We already went over Reality TV: Wild Safari in extensive detail, and now it’s time to take a look at the newest tutorial island: Snagglemast Island!
Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jul 28, 2019 Poptropica's newest Island, Reality TV Wild Safari. It's kind of a mix between Poptropolis Games and the original Reality TV island. It's nice but not the best. PLAY THE NEW ISLAND HERE: https.
Have you been to Home Island, lately? Poptropica is officially Spook Central!!This is one of my favorite Home Island updates... probably ever, so make sure you don't miss all the little surprises! (Don't worry, I won't spoil everything here.)
Poptropica 2019 Islands Location
We know for a lot of you guys, Poptropica is all about The Look, and what better time of year to show it off than HALLOWEEN? I'll be keeping my eyes on the common rooms these next few weeks, so make sure your costumes are looking sharp for the season!