Arabian Nights 1 Poptropica

POPTROPICA TRIVIA: Scheherazade the princess is named after the original storyteller of One Thousand and One Nights. Need help with each of the episodes? Check out the walkthroughs for Episode 1, Episode 2, and Episode 3! Did You Know: Members get an Arabian Nights Poster and Plundered Armor Costume!

Poptropica Arabian Nights Island is here! Check below for your video and written walkthrough guides.

Poptropica Arabain Nights Island Cheats

To start this island, you will need to head all the way to the right until you get to what the towns people call “the caves”. This is where you are going to find the 40 thieves who have been stealing everything from the towns people.

When you get to the caves, you will see a “Danger Keep Out” sign!

Go past this sign staying on the top most cave path.

Cheat or Hint: Watch out for the scorpions on the ground of the caves! They will hurt you.

Now, when you get to the first quick sand on the top path of the cave, drop down, go to your right and you should see a wooden box, push this box to your right until it drops and then push it all the way to the right again, jump on top of it and then jump up again.

You will see another path to the right the leads you to another section of the cave. go in it!

When you get into this section, you will see ladders on both sides of you. You need to get onto the ladder on the left. To do this, you need to jump all the way down to the right, go up the ladder on the right and push the box down that you see.

When it drops, push it all the way to the right and then use it to get to the next platform of rocks. You will see another box. Push this box off to the right and then all the way to the right again. You will use this to get onto the ladder on the left!

Now climb the ladder all the way to the top. When you get to the top, click on the rope which will drop down. In case you fall you can use this to get back up! You will also use it to climb down to the main area when you are ready.

Now, you should see a box to your right just on the other side of the rope. Push this down and then push it all the way to your right again. Use it to jump up to the next platform. Now go all the way to your right.

Cheat or Hint: Watch out for the quick sand here. If you drop, you will need to make your way all the way back up.

When you get all the way to the right, you will see a skeleton with a bag of salt. Grab it!

Now that you have the salt, we need to go to the guy in the picture below and trade with him.

He will give you a bag of grain for your bag of salt. Once you have the grain, you need to go to the woman below, which is just to your right, and trade with her!

Trade both the Grain and the Salt which will give you a lamp and some cloth. Once you have these, you need to go back to the other guy and trade with him again. You will want to trade the cloth with him. He will give you the spy glass which is what we need!

Now go back to the woman and trade her again for some more cloth! We will need this for later.

Now we need to take the spyglass to the woman in the picture below and place it on the stand! She is just to the right of the woman we traded with.

Now it is time to look through the spyglass! This shows us where we need to go next. Go talk to the guy there and tell him “sounds like the thieves are pretty bold”. He will then tell you to set something valuable on the stone and the thieves will take it!

Click on the stone and select your cloth. This will place the cloth on the stone.

Now let’s go back to the spyglass and look at the stone we put the cloth on to wait for the thieves to steal it! Pan to your right a little and you will see two thieves dressed in black! They will then steal the cloth but leave something behind. Go see what it is!

looks like they use smoke bombs to steal things! Now its time to head to the palace which is all the way to the left. I think we are going to need to use this smoke bomb!

When you get to the palace, jump on the platforms until you get like I am in the image above. Now equip your smoke bombs! You will need to wait until the guards go right next to each other when they are talking and then throw one bomb to get them both!

When you have stunned them both, enter the palace!

Now head to your left and talk to the sultan! Ask him “You Mean You’re Broke?” and he will tell you that the thieves took a precious lamp from him. Ask him how you can get it and he will say he does not know but take this precious jewel to try and trade for it!

Now it is time to go to one last guy and make a trade. Exit the palace and head right until you get to the guy in the image below.

Trade this man the jewel for a pearl. Now take this pearl to the woman we traded with earlier. She will give you an ivory camel for it!

Now take the camel back to the guy that we just traded the jewel with. He will trade you the camel for a camel bridle.

Now take out the camel bridle and use it on the camel. You will now have control of him and he will follow you almost anywhere!

Take him all the way to the stone where we set our cloth. Click on the stone and the camel will stay.

Now head back to the spyglass. Now pan to your right and you will see another thief trying to steal your camel. He will take the camel to the pond and something will happen! It looks like their hideout. I think its time to go check it out!

Run to the pond and a stone camel head will appear. Enter it! That is it for episode 1 of Poptropica Arabian Nights Island!

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Does everyone remember the “Create Your Dream” Island Contest?! Well the winner of that contest is now the person behind the Island, Arabian Nights. You will be taking a journey to an ancient land that features sultans, thieves, and a magical lamp with power that is beyond your imagination.

There will be three episodes to this island just like most of the recent island to come out.

As soon as this island goes live, I will be putting together both the written walkthrough as well as the video walkthrough guide. So remember, for your Poptropica Arabian Island cheats guides, there is no place better than!

Poptropica Arabian Nights 1 Cheats

You’ll enter into a small marketplace-like area. If you go a little bit to the left, the first personyou talk to tells you this: “The sultan holes himself up in the palac with his riches, while the people are terrorized by the 40 theives!” You could try going to the left and get into the Sultan’s palace, but the gaurds always catch you. Don’t wory, we’ll get there soon enough! Run to the next sccreen on the right. You can talk to the man next to the platform. He’ll tell you that the thieves might be hiding in the caves. Run to the next screen on the right to get to the caves. Jump up on the platforms, and keep jumping up until you get to an area of quicksand.
Jump over that and try to steer clear of the bones. Keep running until you get to the sceond area of quicksand. Slide through this one and go to the right. Push the box next to you to the right until you get to the high platform. Stand on the box and jump onto the platform. Run off the right side of the platform, then push the box that’s next to you to the left. Push it until it reaches the rock, then jump onto the high platform and run to the left, making sure to jump over any quicksand. Reach the box, then push it off the platform to the left, all the way to the ladder. Jump all the way to the top, then run to the right and push the box to the right. Jump on it and jump onto the higher platform to the right. Jump over the quicksand, and you’ll find a skeletoon holding a bag of salt. We need the bag, so just run over there and get it. To exit the cave, drop through the second quicksand, then run to the right and exit. We now have the salt, maybe we can try to catch the theives with it! Go to the platform, then put the salt crystals on it. Exit the scene, then come back. The salt is gone!
We need to spy on the thieves somehow. Go left to the Main Street area. unto the left, until you get to the stall that says Out of Business. JUmp on its roof, then hop up the stairs and trade with the merchant on your right. Click on the salt and he’ll give you a bag of grain. Go down to the first floor and trade the grain with the merchant with the camel. He’ll give you some valuable cloth. Go back to the merchant that sold you the grain and give him the cloth. He’ll give you a telescope. That’s the perfect thing for spying on the thieves! Go to the right, and jump up the huge tower. When you get to the top, you’ll notice a stand. Use your telescope and put it on the stand. You can click to look through it. You’ll see the stone platform!
Now we can defiantly spy on the thieves! Go back to the platform and put the salt on it. Run back to the telescope and look for the thieves. Once you find them, they’ll run to the salt and use a smoke bomb to get it and vanish. Wait, they left something behind! Run back to the platform and you’ll see that they left a smoke bomb. Pick it up and equip it. Run to the left screen of Main Street and be in the palace area. Jump on the window sill, then jump on the other one. You’ll see the guards talking for a little bit. When one guard goes over to the other, press the space bar to throw the bomb and daze them for a little bit. Run inside the palace. Go left and you can talk to the sultan. He says that the thieves robbed him of everything! He says that he doesn’t care about the money, but the thieves took his precious lamp. He gives you his last jewel to try and get his lamp. Note: you have to ask all three questions in order to get the jewel.
We can get a lot of good things with this jewel. Go back to Main Street and go to the merchant who gave you the grain and the telescope. Trade the crown jewel for his ivory camel. Go to the bottom floor and trade with the merchant that’s holding a real camel. Trade the ivory camel for his camel bridle. He says if we can control his camel, we can have him. Use the camel bridle, and the leash will be put in his hand. If you run too fast, the camel will refuse to follow.

Arabian Nights 1 Poptropica Download

Go back to the platform and leave the camel there. Run back to the telescope and look through it and find the thieves. One will run over and through a smoke bomb. His mistake was trying to run fast to get to his hideout. He gives the camel a banana and walks slowly to the oasis. He says Open Sesame! and a camel head will come up. He’ll go into it and the camel head will disappear. So that’s where their hideout is! Run to the oasis. You’ll say Open Sesame and run to the camel head. You are now entering the thieves lair! Congratulations! You’ve finished the island!