Poptropica Youtube 24 Carrot Walkthrough

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< 24 Carrot Island (island quest)

Welcome to 24 Carrot Island, Poptropica's 4th island, released in 2008! This island is full of mystery and intrigue as you enter your mission to help determine what the evil Dr. Hare is up to! Your first task is to return Whiskers the cat to her owner, Charlie.

This is a community-written walkthrough for 24 Carrot Island (island quest). Feel free to revise and add helpful information!

Cat Fight![edit | edit source]

Once you arrive at the island, go left to the Carrot Farm. Walk past the farmer and jump up onto the roof of the house and then go down the chimney. When you get inside the house, go to the right past the couch and grab the Empty Bowl. Go back outside through the chimney again and return to Main Street. Once you're there, enter the 'Carrot King Diner' and ask the waitress to fill your bowl with milk. Go back into the house and place the bowl of milk on the floor where you picked it up. Go to the right and jump up onto the second floor and then run to the left over to where the bathtub is. Turn on the water in the bathtub and a cat will jump out of the tub. Walk slowly behind him to “chase” him downstairs and then follow him there. He will see the bowl of milk and drink from it. Now he will follow you anywhere. Go back to the Main Streetand enter 'Charlie’s Carrot Surplus Co.'. There, find Charlie and tell her you found her cat and she will give you a Crowbar.

Enter the Hare's Lair[edit | edit source]

Go back outside and go right until you arrive in the Factory. When you get there, jump up the left side of the factory to the roof and you will find the Vent Blueprint wedged in the hammered up boards. Jump down the right side of the building and you’ll see a pipe near some old barrels floating in the polluted water. Click on the lid of the pipe and you will use the Crowbar to open it. When you're inside the Factory Sewer, run to the left through the pipe and pick up the Carrot Transporter. Run over to the left and stand in front of the 'Master Engine' panel. There are three levers on the machine and they are all in the up position. Move the one to your right first, then the one to your left and the one in the middle twice. After that, the main lights in the room will go on and the master engine will start moving.

Into the Vents[edit | edit source]

Head over to the right side of the room and jump up on the boxes. Jump up to the left onto the platform and then onto the top of the three barrels. A giant mechanical arm will come by and when it does, jump up onto that. It will come to a platform on the right and when it does, jump off onto the platform and enter the open vent that will send you to the Vent System. Using the Vent Blueprint to guide you throw the vents, go in the way of the Processing Room and you'll find the Wire Cutters. After you find it, go to the Freezer Room and click the panel that says 'Security System'. Using the Wire Cutters, cut all the three wires to disable the system. Now go back into the Vent System and enter the Printer Room. Once inside, find a girl wearing a set of drone ears and swirly eyes which shows she's mind-controlled. Click on her and say, “Hey, What’s that behind you?”. She will exclaim 'Where?' and you’ll see a close-up of the top of the drone ears. Press the power button in the middle of the ears to turn the ears off and the girl will no longer be under its hypnotic power. She will get a printout from the giant machine that gives you the System Password for the computer which is: fuzzybunny. Return to the System Vent and go to the Processing Room.

Poptropica Youtube 24 Carrot Walkthrough

An Epic Face-off Against a Villain - In a Pink Bunny Suit?[edit | edit source]

Find the doorway with a sign that says, “Authorized Bunny Drones Only” and click it. Since you're not a bunny drone, you will fall on a trap and land in the Smelter Room. Avoiding the giant presses and the hot carrot juice and find the Drone Ears. Put them on, go through the Exit and you’ll arrive back in the Processing Room. Now, while you’re wearing the Drone Ears, go back to the big doorway and now you'll be able to enter it. After that, you'll be in the Rabbot Room next to Dr. Hare. Talk to him, he will think you're one of the drones and tells you to start the launch sequence for his big spaceship. After that, find the guy wearing the drone ears. Click on him, say “Look, a giant bunny!” and do the same thing you did with the girl. Then click on the computer and enter the password, which is fuzzybunny. It will then ask you to enter a command. The command is on a sticky note on the computer and it is launch rabbot.

Video Game Boss Fight![edit | edit source]

Poptropica youtube 24 carrot walkthrough free

The robot spaceship will launch and then you will be able to control it with the joystick on the computer. Now you want to try and crash the spaceship by moving it into the path of the oncoming asteroids. Doctor Hare will try to tell you to stop doing so but just ignore him. After you hit four asteroids, the robot spaceship will explode and Dr. Hare will fly off into space. Now go up the rope and out of the factory.You’ll be back in the Main Street and then go to the left and find the mayor. He will give you the Island Medallion.

Poptropica Youtube 24 Carrot Walkthrough

Retrieved from 'https://poptropica.gamepedia.com/index.php?title=24_Carrot_Island_(island_quest)/Walkthrough&oldid=129574'

Poptropica 24 Carrot Walkthrough Thinknoodles

Go to the Carrot Farm. There is a house to the left of it. Jumponto the roof and enter the chimney. Pick up the empty bowl. Thenexit the house and head to Main Street. There, go into the CarrotKing Diner and talk to the lady. Ask her to fill the bowl withmilk.

Poptropica Youtube 24 Carrot Walkthrough Poptropica Thinknoodles

Now the bowl is filled with milk. Go back to the Carrot Farm andenter the house. You will put the milk bowl down. Go to the rightand climb up the light. Go left until you reach the bathroom. Turnon the hot water (red) by clicking on it. A cat will jump out. Thispart is tricky. You have to get the cat to the bottom floor todrink the milk. Once you do that, the cat will drink the milk andfollow you around. Exit the house and go back to Main Street.

Enter Charlie's Carrot Surplus Co. Talk to Charlie and say youfound her cat. She gives you a crowbar. Exit and go right to thefactory. Climb up and over the tan bar thingy. Keep going on theroof of a red building. See a blue paper? Get it. Then go off theroof, still going right, and on that pipe click enter. You use thecrowbar to pry the entrance open. Go left and take the CarrotTransporter. (I suggest try it cause I tried it and it took me toMain Street-its supposed to take you to the beginning of thefactory, where you entered.) Go up. Get over the flapping thingsand go up again. For further instructions, get a walkthrough. Igotta go, sadly.