- Poptropica Mythology Island Underworld
- Poptropica Underworld Walkthrough
- Poptropica Underworld Offering
- Poptropica Underworld Walkthrough
Mission Atlantis Island
This is the second island to be released in multiple 'episodes'. Scroll down for the full island guide!
Full Video Walkthrough
Apr 29, 2010 If you have all the items then you go back to the place where you picked the golden apple, athena will appear. The five objects form a message 'whoever wields the five sacred objects will rule all of poptropica.' Zeus will appear and take the objects from you. Athena says you should seek Hercules help, you say i have already tried.
Written Guide
Episode 1
That's for refusing me the key!Anyway, go to the topmost deck of the boat and talk to the man there. He won't give you the key! Use the railing to jump to the platform above him, and click on the bucket. It'll splash out and you collect the bucket. Drop down to the lowest deck and click on the squid. Your bucket will fill with ink; now go back to the platform above the man with the key. USE the bucket of ink, and the man will be blinded. Drop down and grab his key. Go to the left of the bottom deck and click on the lock.
Go down and left until you get to an orange vent (see images below). Click on it once or twice, and the purple fish will swim to the bottom of the rock. Go down, click on the green one, go right, click on the purple one, go up, and click on the barreleye fish. That's your second photo!

(Click to enlarge)
Now go right and up, to the cuttlefish hideout. There's many red cuttlefish and a purple cuttlefish here, and there are red plants and purple plants here. You want to photograph the purple fish against the red plant. If you go too close to a plant, the fish hiding in it will go to the nearest unoccupied plant.
Imagine that the bottom three plants are an upside-down triangle. So, push the red fish out of the plant at the left, and push the purple fish into that plant. Push the red fish into the plant at the bottom of the triangle. Then float up -- there are two more plants are two more red fish here. Push the fish on the left out of the plant. Go down and push the purple fish out; it'll go up. Go up and right, and push the red fish out of the red plant. Then push the purple fish; it'll go into the plant to the right. This plant is red! Click on the fish to take a picture. Whew, so much work for one fish!
Go up and left, then go down at the first chance. Go left again, to the next area.
Finally you land on a ledge. Because of the water pressure (the amount of water above you -- even water has weight), you cannot float up. Hobble over to the right, and... hey, what are those purple lights...?
It's the lost city of Atlantis!
Episode 2
You're in one of Poptropica's favorite pipe mazes. Look around until you spot two gray pieces with markings on them in the pipes. You have to get them out. Go to the top-right and you'll see a red button there. Starting from there, make a pipe from there to one of the artifact pieces (click a pipe section to rotate). Then click on the button. A pufferfish will be sucked in and go through the pipes, knocking the puzzle piece out! Repeat with the other piece, then make another path to the big tank at the left. The fish will get trapped in a force shield. Here's a diagram:
Go up, and go left at the green sea grass. Go all the way left and stop; below you is a nest of hydromedusas. When you go down, one will start to follow you. You can lead it to a purple circle to activate the door it's connected to, but if you get too close you'll get shocked and if you let it out of your sight you'll have to go back. Instructions (scroll down for a diagram):
- Get a jellyfish, activate the first purple circle above the nest
- Get another jellyfish, enter the door you just opened and activate the circle there.
- Collect the puzzle piece.
- Get another jellyfish, go to the first door you opened and activate the nearest circle there.
- Enter the door you just opened and go left; collect another puzzle piece.
- Get another jellyfish. Go up and then go right exactly straight. Activate the circle there.
- Get another jellyfish and go to the last circle you activated. Go right, staying on the top side of the fork to avoid the electric eel. At the end, go down and left; activate this circle. Remember, even if the jellyfish or eel shocks you, the jellyfish will still stick around.
- Get another jellyfish and go to the top-right. Enter the doors you just opened and go all the way right; activate the circle here. It'll open a door below the eel.
- Get another jellyfish and go through the door you just opened. The top fork will be easier again. Go down and left; the jellyfish will follow you into the force field and become trapped.
We need to lure him out. Float in front of the glass to the right... the shark will start trying to break out! It'll attack the fish before it attacks you, though. Go down as fast as you can, in any direction (staying to the right works best). When you reach the absolute bottom of the area, go to the red tank in the center. The shark will try to follow you in but get stuck in the force field!
Now go back to where you found the shark. Go right across from there, and break the purple glass. Go right and collect the puzzle piece. Now go to the bottom left of the area and go down, back to the main area.
(See the detailed diagram to the right).
Now you'll see some purple buttons. If you've been paying attention to similar markings around the fortress, these markings represent numbers. Click the numbers in order from smallest to largest (1-6) according to the following picture and the written one below.
I wonder where we're going... and I wonder if we'll be welcome there... |
Throughout the rooms of the fortress, you can take pictures of six alien glyphs. These glyphs represent numbers in the alien language. Here they all are, for your convenience (click to zoom): |
Episode 3
You start off deep in the heart of the ship, in front of the locked door. If you can't escape, then explore! Go down and right, to the next area. Whoa! Who is that transmission from? Anyway, keep going right and exit to the next area. Go all the way up, to the next area. Go up and around the large sphere, then go right to the switch. Press the green button and a charged green disk will fly out, which you can push. Push it up, around the huge sphere, and then down through the gate at the far right. Push it into the green target on the bottom and suddenly, some some strange purple images will start flashing before your eyes. These aliens definitely look sinister. |
Press the red switch to the right, then go up through the newly opened doorway. Go left; you'll loop around back to the green switch. Press it to get another disc, then go back the way you just came. Press the red switch again, then push the disk down the open doorway. Push it into the disc reader -- more purple images! The ship has been wrecked here since the dinosaur times!
Did this last episode remind anyone of Sphere, by Michael Crichton? I loved that book, and this reminded me of it. Scroll down to read the comments!
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Island(s) | Mythology Island | |
Character Type | Friend | |
Gender | Male |

In Greek Mythology, Hades is the god of the Underworld, and the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. His username is Hadescreator1.
Role in Mythology Island[edit | edit source]
When Hercules pushes the boulder blocking the door to Hades' throne room aside, you can enter. Talk to o Hades and ask him how can you stop Zeus. Hades will tell you he'll give you his crown because he can't leave the underworld. When you wear it, it makes you grow 2 times larger than the average Poptropican.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Hades' statue in the Museum on the Main Street.
Hades in the middle back
Hades' Avatar, he is chewing gum.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
Poptropica Mythology Island Underworld
- He is one of the creators of Poptropica.
- According to Greek Mythology, he is the eldest brother of Zeus and Poseidon.
- He is not seen in Super Villain Island, but his other two brothers are.
- Putting on his crown will also give you his hairstyle.
Poptropica Underworld Walkthrough

Poptropica Underworld Offering
Creators | ||||