Poptropica Tv Tropes

  1. Poptropica Tv Tropes List
  2. Tv Tropes Character Sheets

Take a tour of Reality TV Island with a video tutorial, island description & much more. Duke it out with your fellow contestants and avoid elimination to win the show's grand prize and become a hero. Poptropica Islands. Get ranked on the Top Finisher Map. Mystery of the Map Poptropica Graphic Novel Poptropica Previews Poptropica Costumes Poptropolis Games Comics Virus Hunter Island New Islands Gold Cards PoptropiCon Shrink Ray Island Tips and Tricks Early Access Islands of the Month Books Dr. Hare Membership Arabian Nights Great Pumpkin Island Poptropica Shop Skullduggery Island Zomberry Island. Noel Jamie Hart is your average kid that loves magic and Poptropica. Until he isn't. Having already experienced one island, actually living the experience of Poptropica and its terrible humor and non-existent logic, he knows what to expect, but he's in for a trip when his entire life suddenly turns upside down on his way to Night Watch Island.



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Poptropica Tv Tropes List

  • Anti-Climax Boss:
    • Timmy Failure Island and Mystery of the Map Island both end with a relatively easy chase scene where you avoid slow obstacles.
    • The final virus on Virus Hunter Island is more of a 'Get Back Here!' Boss than anything. It barely attacks you.
    • There's no way to lose the final battle against the Mega Fighting Bot on Mocktropica. All you have to do is click on it repeatedly. It moves slowly and doesn't take that many hits to defeat.
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    • The confrontation with Zeus in Greek Sea Odyssey is a strong example of this. The previous two times you had a battle with him, you had at least the power of Poseidon's trident working with you as you and Zeus shoot at each other, like a true battle. In Odyssey, however, the final confrontation with Zeus only involves... climbing up to the throne room while he rolls lightning orbs down at you, Donkey Kong style. As soon as you get to the top, there is no battle, Zeus just gives up. Yes, Zeus may be physically weaker than he was in his previous appearances but there could have been something besides the Donkey Kong bit, especially for the purpose of signing off a villain who had left an impact on more than one island.

Tv Tropes Character Sheets

  • Disappointing Last Level:
    • For about three years, the final Poptropica island was Monkey Wrench Island, an incredibly easy and short tutorial level. Many players found it to be a disappointment after the quite awesome Escape from Pelican Rock Island, which has you planning and pulling off a prison escape to prove your innocence.
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    • In 2019, a sequel to Reality TV Island was released. It only has three minigames compared to the ~15 of the original island, and is effortlessly easy. As of January 2020, this is the final island.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: If Tumblr is any indication, Veuve Noir/Black Widow, Director D, Ringmaster Raven, Binary Bard, and Dr. Hare are this.
  • Genius Bonus:
    • On Red Dragon, the haiku master Basho has a banana plant next to his hut. The real Basho took that name from his favorite banana plant.
    • S.O.S. Island is a Whole Plot Reference to Moby Dick.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks!:
    • Poptropica Adventures on the DS has only about three islands and the game can be completed in about 45 minutes. Most of the gameplay time comes from Fake Longetivity, forcing you to play the same boring minigames over and over to get to certain areas.
    • Monkey Wrench Island is the second-shortest island in the game (only topped by Snagglemast Island), serving as a tutorial that can be beat in a few minutes. Fans were not happy when it was the first island added in a year, and the game went on a hiatus for quite a while after Monkey Wrench's release in favor of Worlds.
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  • Name's the Same: Ratman, one of the villains from Super Power Island, has a name similar to Doug Rattmann.
  • Nightmare Face:
    • The Jersey Devil from Cryptids Island.
    • The clown face in the center of the ferris wheel at night on Monster Carnival Island. See for yourself.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Any Non-Standard Game Over, especially in Survival Island. It's essentially the same as cutting to black before your Poptropican dies...
    • The video on Virus Hunter Island shows what the CC 13 Influenza can do. The virus can infect whole organs and eventually the whole body. Soon, the infected can infect everyone else. The scariest part is that it mentions that the virus can easily make everyone extinct. The creepy music does not help either.
    • Ghost Story Island has one of the seven instances of sound in the AS 2 islands. (The others being the bell you can ring in the comic book shop on Super Power Island, the phonograph on Time Tangled Island, the Chupacabra breaking out of the box on Cryptids Island, the lightning on Vampire's Curse Island, the post-production sound effects on Back Lot Island, and the videos on Game Show Island.) When you look through a telescope in a creepy, boarded-up house, Fiona suddenly appears behind you and asks 'Are you looking for someone?'
    • Ghost Story Island contains a foggy cemetery. While navigating the hedge maze, you may see a statue of the Grim Reaper.
    • The Jersey Devil on Cryptids Island. You look for him in an old abandoned house where something is suspiciously shuffling around. It tuns out to be just a raccoon, and you'll probably be caught off guard when you turn around to see the Jersey Devil staring right at you through the window.
    • Whatever happened in the Bad Future on Time Tangled Island is never explained. But judging from the terrifying damage and the fact your character, now 50 years old, is the sole survivor, something happened.
    • The main villain of Survival Island, Myron van Buren, is one of the darkest characters in Poptropica history. He hunts humans.
    • The first two parts of Monster Carnival Island, where you set up the carnival games and try to win them, are rather tame, but things take a creepy turn once you beat all the carnival games. You navigate the dark woods and see a cloaked figure transform the carnival workers into monsters. The carnival then turns nightmarish, with scarecrows with glowing eyes, the message in the duck game spelling out 'GORY,' and a floating puppet monster invading the Haunted Lab.
  • Saved from Development Hell: Monster Carnival Island. It was originally meant to be the fourth island, but got removed because it wasn't finished in time. It took six years for the developers to actually make it a reality.
  • Self-Fanservice: You'd be hardpressed to find a Poptropica fan who doesn't have a crush on one of the villains, despite their simple designs.
  • Surprise Difficulty: Several islands require precise platforming, puzzles, and timing.
  • That One Boss:
    • Mordred on Astro-Knights. The first segment has you controlling Merlin the owl
    • Zeus from Mythology Island may qualify. Your speed and health are about the same as his; it's that he has much better attacks to choose from. Your only attack is to fire one lightning bolt at a time. Each does little damage. He, meanwhile can either fire lightning bolts in all directions at once (difficult to avoid but does little damage), use a charged attack with energy balls that track you (more avoidable but more damaging— Also, you can't attack him while he's charging), or tackle you (easiest to avoid, but if he manages to hit you you can go down in one shot).
    • The final boss on Red Dragon Island, the titular dragon, is so difficult the developers added an easy mode.
  • That One Level:
    • Astro-Knights Island. The developers released an official, in-game walkthrough for it because it was the island with the lowest rate of completion.
    • Skullduggery Island is the longest island in the game. Even if you know the optimal areas for buying and selling, it'll still take hours.
    • Steamworks Island has no characters to talk to, besides Sprocket and the humans at the very end. There are nearly no hints as to what you need to do, and the puzzles are incredibly hard, requiring precise timing and searching everywhere you can for keys and tools.
    • On Poptropolis Games Island, the Triple Jump minigame is disliked for its wonky controls. You have to jump three times in a row, but the timing is off and it's easy to slip off the platforms. It can be quite a challenge to get first place.
    • On Reality TV Island, the least liked minigame among fans is probably Water Run. There's a really fast-moving boar that can ram you and cause you to lose all your water, and more water spills out of your jar the faster you move.
  • That One Puzzle:
    • The card-flipping puzzle at the end of Astro-Knights has kept many from being able to complete the island.
    • Big Nate Island has a stink bomb puzzle that's entirely guesswork. There's an optional item that hints that you'll need a stink bomb, but how you make it is never explained prior.
    • Vampire's Curse Island has the antidote puzzle. You're not told what each ingredient does or how much of it you need to add, so it's a lot of trial and error.
    • The mancala games on Nabooti Island and Mocktropica have an AI that's incredibly difficult to beat. Mocktropica's version even has ladybugs that may fly away and affect your score.
  • Unfortunate Name: An example of one of the horrible names you can have is 'Lazy Eye.' Also 'Creepy Gamer.'
  • The Woobie: In Monster Carnival, poor, poor Ringmaster Raven... he was first of all abandoned by the carnival that passed through town, then just as he felt he found a new home, he was framed for an arsony crime he didn't commit. As a result, the townspeople despised him and kicked him out of town without him being able to prove himself innocent. Now, he runs his own carnival... and he's using it to bring vengeance upon those townspeople.