Poptropica Keeps Loading

Cheats for 24 Carrot Island

  1. Poptropica Keeps Loading On Mac
  2. Poptropica Keeps Loading On Iphone

Mar 09, 2017 Poptropica customer service has received a few messages that Poptropica isn't working on Chrome for some players. Well, never fear, Poptropicans - we've got the solution! Read our quick, step-by-step guide on how to fix Poptropica and Chrome problems when Flash refuses to run for you. Mar 13, 2018  App keeps getting stuck on the Loading screen. Anybody else is getting this issue? While playing the game and I clear a quest, when I'm at the Loading screen the game stops responding and I have to close and reopen it. Has it been reported already? Save hide report.

The fourth floor of Poptropica HQ contains large mounted icons of non-existing Poptropica islands, including Aqua Knights Island (the ‘knights’ part of the logo looks like the one for Astro-Knights), Tax Cut Island, The Return of Crawfish (a reference to Skullduggery), and Giant Island (a reference to Cryptids).

How to Beat 24 Carrot Island

In 24 Carrot Island, you must help a ravaged town solve the mystery of its disappearing carrots. During the course of this quest, you will encounter the evil villain Dr. Hare and try to put a stop to his diabolical plans to steal all of the carrots on the island. Read this complete guide will all of the cheats for Poptropica 24 Carrot Island to learn how to solve it.

The mayor of 24 Carrot Island is desperate for your help.

Once you arrive by balloon on the island, jump down and go left towards the Carrot Farm. Walk past the farmer and jump up onto the roof of the house and then go down the chimney. Go a few steps to the right and you’ll get an empty bowl that’s on the floor near the couch. Now go back up the chimney and outside the house. Return to Main Street, where you arrived by balloon. Walk a few paces to the right and then go inside the restaurant, called the Carrot King Diner. Talk to the waitress right by the door and ask her to fill your bowl with milk. Now that you have a bowl full of milk, return to the Carrot Farm and then go back into the house through the chimney once again.

Walk a few steps to the right. You will automatically place the bowl of milk on the floor where you picked it up. Head all the way to the right and then go up to the second floor. Walk to the left until you reach the tub at the far end. Turn the water handle on the tub to start filling it. A cat that was hiding inside the tub will jump out to avoid getting wet. The cat will move along slowly if you follow him. Keep going until you and the cat go all the way downstairs. The cat will be very happy to see the bowl of milk and will drink it. The cat becomes your friend and will follow you. Go back outside the house and head right to the main entry area.

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Now go right past the diner and the theater and go into Charlie’s Carrot Surplus Co. Once you are inside the store, you’ll see someone standing by the counter. Speak with her to let her know you found her missing cat. She’ll offer you a crowbar as a reward.

Go outside of Charlie’s Carrot Surplus Co. and then go right. Follow the sign to the Factory. Go a few more paces to the right once you arrive in the next area. Leap up onto the roof to find the vent blueprint. You’ll be able to use the blueprint a little later on while you’re trying to get through the dark hallways inside the factory. Go down the other side of the factory and you’ll find a passage with a grate on it. Since you have the crowbar, just click on the lid of the pipe and you will pry it open. Then you will head inside.

Go left through the pipe and you’ll find a carrot transporter. You won’t really need this either, but it’s cool to have. Head up the left side of the pipe and then run right back over the valves as they close. The basic technique to getting past this part is to be pretty patient and stand at the edge. Start running just as they’re closing and do one at a time. Some of them are tricky because they open and shut pretty fast.

There’s a nasty giant rat waiting for you in the next area. He’s very easy to avoid if you jump up into the little section of pipe that goes above. You can go down the other side and keep going left. Jump up through the top and you’ll be inside a dark room inside the factory.

Run over to the left and stand in front of the Master Engine panel. There are three levers on the machine and they are all in the up position. Adjust the lever on the left side so that it is halfway between down and up. You will see that the green light over the lever will illuminate. Move the middle lever all the way down and the right lever to the same position in between up and down as you did with the lever on the left. Once you have all three levers in the correct positions, the main lights in the room turn on and the engine begins to move.

Jump up onto the boxes over on the right side of the room. Next get up to the left onto the platform and then on top of the barrels. Jump onto the mechanical arm when it passes by. When you arrive at the platform on the right, leap off and go into the open vent.

The vent is a little bit like a maze where you can only see a little bit in front of you as you go. If you get lost inside the vent, you can use the blueprint you found on the roof of the factory. Head down and to the left and keep going until you see part of the passageway that is covered in ice. Head up into the ice-covered passage and then go back down the other side. You’ll quickly come to where there is a pair of wire cutters on the ground. Pick them up and then keep moving to the right until you find a grate in the passageway. Click on the grate to go through to the next room.

When you enter the room, you’ll see a security system sign and it’s enabled. Drop down onto the floor of this room. A security robot will fly in and zap you. After you’ve been zapped, you’ll be transported to a new room. You’ll see a panel above and to the right marked as the security system. Click on the panel and then use the wire cutters to cut all three wires and shut down the security system. Now go to the right and jump up to the top where there is a grate you can exit to go back into the Vent.

Poptropica Keeps Loading On Mac

Jump up and go inside the vent. Then head up and to the right. You should quickly come to a new vent grate. Go inside and you’ll be in another room of the factory where the carrots are put in crates. The first obstacle you’ll face in here are chutes with crates of carrots that drop through. To get through this, go past one chute at a time. The crates come in groups of different numbers. It’s easy to figure out the patterns if you’re patient and make it all the way through. When you get past the chutes, go to the right and drop to the floor. then head over to the left of the room.

Soon you’ll find a girl wearing a set of metal rabbit ears and strange swirly glasses. Click on her and say, “Hey, What’s that behind you?” Then the screen will change and you’ll see a close-up of the top of her rabbit ears hat. There’s a little power button in the middle. Press that to turn the ears off and the girl will no longer be under their hypnotic power. She will get a printout from the giant machine that gives you the system password for the computer which is: fuzzybunny. Next go to the left and return to the grate that you entered the room from. Click on it to go back into the vents.

OK now you want to head back to the same place you were in before where the security robot zapped you so use your vent blueprint if you need to and get back to that same entrance and go inside.

The robot will not zap you this time because the security system has been disabled. Head for the door in the bottom right corner. There’s a sign there that says only Authorized Bunny Drones can enter. You’re not an authorized bunny drone so you’ll fall through a trap door that appears when you try to pass through the door. Don’t worry because the next step is to become one. After going through the trap door in the floor, you’ll land in another room in the factory. Jump down to the left and you will land on a conveyer belt. Head to the right and be careful to avoid the giant presses that come crashing down or you will get squashed. You also need to avoid the hot carrot juice that comes out. After you avoid these obstacles, leap up onto the platform and you’ll spot a mechanical bunny ears hat just like the girl in the other room was wearing. Pick it up to put it in your backpack. Go ahead and put them on now and then go through the Exit.

You’ll arrive back in the room that had the security robot and the trap door. Go back to the large security door. Now that you’re wearing the ears, you’ll be able to pass through.

When you enter the next room, you’ll see a guy in a pink bunny suit. It’s Dr. Hare. He thinks you’re one of his drones and tells you to start the launch sequence for his big spaceship. Jump up the spaceship. You’ll see a big platform on the right. It has a computer and there is a technician standing next to it. He’s wearing the drone ears. Talk to him and choose the option, “Look a giant bunny!” You’ll zoom in on his ears. Turn them off by clicking on the power button on the ears. You then want to click on the computer. You’ll get a prompt for the password. Enter “fuzzybunny”. Next, the computer will prompt you for a command. The correct command is “launch rabbot”. Make sure you spell it just like that. It’s rabbot and not rabbit. The Rabbot is the giant spaceship robot that Dr. Hare has built.

The robot spaceship will launch and then you will be able to control it with the joystick on the computer. Now you want to try and crash the spaceship by moving it into the path of the oncoming asteroids. Crash it into four asteroids to destroy the spaceship and send Dr. Hare into the depths of space. You just stopped Dr. Hare’s evil plot. Great job!

Poptropica Keeps Loading On Iphone

You’ll be back in the main area standing in front of the gas station, but now 24 Carrot Island is bright and colorful again. Walk to the left where you’ll find the Mayor of 24 Carrot Island. He will thank you and give you a medallion for saving the town. Congratulations!