Poptropica Japan Island Walkthrough

Nov 03, 2015  Poptropica Escape From Pelican Rock Island Walkthrough When you first get to the island head left until you pass the Fruit Stand and a little scene will play out where a thief runs past you! You will then yell to everyone that you will catch him. Now head right into the next section where you will see the thief running. Poptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see movie clips while they play.

Thank you to Trusty Biker for writing the walk through!

So when you drop down, they’ll play a short scene about the Might Arrows Action Force (a light will shine up in the air featuring them). Then go inside and click start. The guy next to you tells you whoever comes up with the best Omegon costume will win a walk-on role in the Mighty Action Force sequel. Cool, right? Wrong. The person to the left of him tells you that nobody knows what Omegon looks like. Looks like we are going to have to find out for ourselves. Go right to the EXPO FLOOR. Keep going right and you’ll bump into the person from Wicked Cool News. He wants you to be a spy and figure out what Omegon looks like. He says if you find out, he’ll whip you up a super cool Omegon costume. He’ll give you a cell phone to take pictures of the Omegon costume. If you examine it now, you’ll ind out that we need to find three parts of his costume. The head piece, the suit, and the cape. Lets start!


Go to the right and talk to Stan Ditko, the creator of the Elf Archer. You ask if he knows where you can find pictures of the Omegon costume. He says that someone was just here trying to sell me on behind-the-scenes shots of Omegon. When you ask who tried to sell you the photo, he’ll say it was Sasha Capone, the webmaster of Wicked Cool News’ biggest rival, Totally Rad News. Ask what she looks like and he’ll describe her, then you see her run into the hallway. Before you follow her, go right and pick up the FREE ELF ARCHER ISSUE #1 REPRINT. Now go left and enter the hallway. Now this part is very easy. All you need to do is locate Sasha Capone, figure out what door she went through, and then enter that door. It’s actually not that hard, you just need to figure out where she is at the very beginning.

When you finally get to the end, go left and talk to her. When you tell her that you’re looking for pictures of Omegon and that you heard she has one, she asks what you’ll give her for it. Tell her that you could get some loose change. Then she’ll tell you to call her when we get a real offer. She’ll give you her card. Then she goes away to the closed door preview. Go left and click on the phone bin. Unfortunately, we don’t know which phone is Sasha’s. Let’s try calling her. Go to your inventory then use the calling card. Rats! No signal! Talk to the man next to the phone box. He says there’s a tech lounge down the hall. So go right and up to the tech lounge. Call Sasha again and this time, her phone will ring. Get there before it stops ringing and click on the bin. You’ll text yourself the photo and you’ll get a picture of Omegon’s cape.

Now’ll we’ll get the headpiece. Exit the hallway and go left into the exhibit hall. Wait for the little scene to play out. Here’s a crazy idea. Let’s dress up as the elf archer and get in! Exit the exhibit hall and go back to the hallway. Go up to the tech lounge and customize the Pinata Man’s tunic.

Exit the hallway and go to the platform above Stan Ditko. There’s a lady there that looks like a detective-type person. Customize her hair. The go left into the theater and go to the left side of the stage. Customize the sitting guy’s mask. Exit the Theater and go right to the Demo Area. Go all the way to the right and customize the knight’s bow. You can customize the arrows too if you want. Go back to the exhibit hall and stand on the platform. The people will push you into the room.

As soon as they’re gone, Go to the left. You can customize any of the costumes there. Jump on top of the trash statue and onto the platform. You’ll see the new Omegon mask. You’ll take a picture of it and then you can get out.


Now for Omegon’s suit. This part is just a little bit difficult and a little bit long. Go to the demo area and click on the girl by the Mighty Action Force Card Game booth. Say yes when she asks you if you want to play. She’ll teach you how to play, but I’ll explain it to you quickly.

Once you beat the person (it may take you a few tries) she’ll give you a World Guy Card that’s worth 4 points. If you want to organize your card deck, you go to your inventory and press ORGANIZE on your Card Deck. You can switch out one of your lesser cards for that World Guy Card. So now we’re going to have to get a strong card deck to beat the person that has Omegon’s suit. Go to the right and click on one of the balloons so that you’re holding it. It’ll help you jump higher.

While holding the balloon, jump up onto the higher platform. Go to the right until you see a board that’s full of sticky notes. Keep clicking on the board to make the sticky notes fall down. When they are all down, you’ll see a Mighty Action Force card. Pick it up. It’s a DIRT CLAUDE card!Now we’ll get a couple more cards before we battle the next person. Exit the Demo Area and go right and up to where we got the Elf Archer’s Mask.

While holding the balloon, jump off the left side of the platform. If you do it right, you should get a Mighty Action Force card. If not, keep trying! It’ll be a Trash Collector Card. Now go right into the Exhibit Hall. You’ll notice a giant superhero at the top. There’s a Mighty Action Force card in his hand. Use the balloon to bounce off his hand and shake the card down. It will be a Fashion Ninja Card.

You can now pop the balloon by clicking on it. You don’t need it anymore, the rest of the cards you can get without it. Exit the Exhibit Hall and go left into the Theater. To the left of the stage, there’s a platform with a box on top of it. Click the box to move it and you’ll find a Mighty Action Force card. Now go to the right and click on the girl with a peace sign necklace and challenge her to play. When you win, you’ll get a Gold Face card.

Now, you’re going to want to go back to the area with the Tech Lounge. Go up to the Tech Lounge, and click on the vending machine that the wizard-dressed guy is having trouble with…again. A Mighty Action Force Card will drop out!

Organize your deck, and try to have the most powerful cards, or the ones with special abilities, to be in your deck. Go down, under the Tech Lounge, and talk to the guy sitting down. Challenge him to play a game with you. Once you beat him, you’ll get an Elf-Archer card! It’s worth 4 points.

Poptropica Old Islands

Go back to the Demo Area now. Click on one of the balloons and go all the way up to the second platform. Organize your deck one more time, then challenge the lady up there to a game. When we win, we get an unreleased Omegon card! It has his suit on it!

Now we have all 3 pieces! Go back to the Wicked Cool News booth. The guy will thank you, then give you an Omegon costume. When you’re ready, customize all parts of it,then head into the theater, and watch the cut scene play out.

Once it plays out, you’ll get the Island Medallion!

Super Villain Island

Deep inside a top-secret prison, four of Poptropica's most infamous villains float in suspended animation. Your mission: to infiltrate their minds and extract the sources of their evil. Can you withstand a journey to the heart of darkness, or will their twisted dreams trap you forever?


Poptropica Cheats for Super Villain Island

Looks like a normal-enough city themed island... swim left and talk to the woman there. Notice the barrels of oil. She'll tell you that her team has been stuck on the drilling platform for a long time, and the only othe rman they've seen is an old guy in a helicopter. Hmm... walk over to the suspended oil barrel and climb the rope to the upper floor. Keep making your way up like this, talking to the employees on the platform. Sounds like a harsh place to work. At the top you will come to a control room, which you should enter. Walk right to the office and you can eavesdrop on the lady's converstion with someone who seems like her boss. Actually, it's Dr. Jupiter, who keeps asking for workers from her oild rig. The ones who are sent away never come back, and she's running out of manpower. Talk to her, and she'll let you on the chopper to take a look around on the mainland. Leave the control room and climb onto the helicopter. And strap in for a nightmare...
We've hit a storm! The helicopter's swaying around like mad, and the pilot wants you to jump. He gives to a walkie-talkie to contact him, and there you go! The next mini-game is very simple: all you have to do is aim yourself with the mouse and click rapidly to speed up. Clouds slow you down, and lightning will burn a small hole in your parachute. Get struck too many times, you'll plummet to the sea. But you can tell when lightning will strike: there will be a flash of blueish-white light seconds before a bolt will come down. Move to either side when you see the flash. That's all; you've now landed into the ocean. Swim right for a moment and hop up when you have the chance. Wherever you come out of the water, jump around until you can find a tall column of rock and climb it up to the wide platform at the top. There is more than one way up. At the top you'll find what looks like a building, with a security camera aimed at you on the wall. Stand still in front of the camera, near the stone on the ground. The secret doors will slide open now...
Whoa, you've stumbled onto a prison! Talk to the guys there. Wow, I'm really starting to mistrust Dr. Jupiter and the pilot. I guess we have to get to the bottom of this, so ask to be let into the freaky prison. You'll pass through some unpleasant security tests and get ourselfves approved as visitors... wait, why did they take a picture of you as an inmate? Anyway, enter the guard room to your right now. The guards aren't that friendly, so walk right and click the panel of the elevator. Take it up and you'll pass by some of the villains you captured in other islands like Super Power! I see all the Super Power villains, as well as El Mustachio and Gretchen Grimlock. But where are the supervillains? Maybe you'll find out in this lab... Explore for a while and then talk to Dr. Jupiter on the bottom floor. He'll turn on the lights and... GAAAH! It's the four most evil supervillains you've known from other islands: Binary Bard, Captain Crawfish, Black Widow, and Dr. Hare. Wait, how did Dr. Hare get out of space? How did Captain Crawfish escape Skullduggery and how did Binary Bard get back to Poptropica without the orb? Oh, well. Talk to Dr. Jupiter for now and he'll tell you what you have to do: storm into the evil sleeping minds of these villains and steal the source of their evil, a totem. Ready to get started? Go! But after this brief intermission...

Meet the Villains

Captain Crawfishfrom Skullduggery

The greedy pirate from Skullduggery, Captain Crawfish would have become unstoppable if he had found a secret trasure. But you got there first!
A mad art theif and counterfeiter who stole a painting worth $120M. You found her lair and knocked her out before she destroyed the evidence against her.

Binary Bardfrom Astro-Knights

A thoroughly bad fellow, the Binary Bard was a cyborg accused of black magic. He fled into space and tried to kidnap the princess. You trapped him in his castle.
Rabid maniac who tried to mind-control all of Poptropica. His plans were derailed when you blew him into space. The most oldest and popular villain today.
Poptropica Japan Island Walkthrough
Pick Captain Crawfish and click the Enter Dream button. You can exit the dream at any time by clicking the button at the top. Whoa! You're in a crazily swaying boat in rough seas, surrounded by frozen and sleeping pirates. Jump to the chandelier and then jump left to grab the orange key above the door. Be careful of the pirates -- if you wake them up, you'll have to start over. Make your way slowly right, then drop down to the lower floor. Jump over the pirate and walk left, to the orange chest. Open it with the key to take out a stopwatch. Then jump to the chandelier and jump left to grab the green key. Carefully walk left and climb up to the upper floor. Hint: the chandeliers are very useful for avoiding pirates below the chandelier when you want to pass them. Jump to the green chest using the chandelier and grab the bottle of turpentine. Then get out of the dream.

Poptropica Island Walkthrough

Select Dr. Hare and you'll find yourself in a garden ridden with red ants. There goes Dr. Hare passing by, carried by some ants into the ground. Follow him! You have a pickaxe, so you can dig into the ground! Click on a block to weaken it. Repeated clicking causes the block to disintegrate, and you can go through. Ants will sap your strength, but bashing them with the hammer gets rid of them. The blue ants need to be hit more, and those can also weaken blocks upon impact. Rock blocks cannot be penetrated. Now: walk to the first anthill you see (it's in the background) and start hammering away near here. Go more or less straight down until you reach the second level. Here, peck straight down from where you started until you hit rock. Destroy the block to your right and the block under it and fall down, then hammer away to your left until you find the hollow area. Kill the blue ant by hitting it twice, then break through the block sandwiched in between three rock blocks (on each side) below you. Break the one below that and get rid of the blue ant. Peck straight down into another ant chamber and destroy the ant there, too. Now walk right and break your way into the chamber where the empty sprayer is held. Then wake up.
Are you ready for an art theif now? Enter the Black Widow's mind. Hey, isn't this a replica of the museum on Counterfeit Island? Yeah, but the Black Widow's dream version of it is run-down and messy. Walk right and talk to her. Hah -- she opened her museum and thiniks the only one worth looking at is her self-portrait. Look at all the others - they're classics and they've been vandalized! Quick, take out the turpentine and USE it. Now your sprayer is full. Equip it and the Black Widow will lose her temper. She'll drop down all the spiders to deter you! Jump into the first painting on the left and drop down to the right, avoiding the spiders. Erase the paint there by spraying it, three times. Jump up and let the guitar stings bounce you up. Walk left and erase the paint there. Drop down left and erase the letter 'u' there. Now jump back up to the door and wipe away the letter 'L' to the upper-right of it. But don't leave yet! Go to the top left of the painting and grab the shrinking potion. Now you can leave the painting.
Walk right and enter the Starry Night painting. Jump up and erase the T, then slide right and do away with the painted 'A'. Hop off the swirl and erase the 'R', then hop back on and clear the 'S'. Jump up and to the right, grab the Crystal Key, and let yourself fall. Finally, remove the 'H', then remove yourself from the painting. Go on to the last one and move right. Erase the hourglass, then slide left and erase the 'R' there. Jump up and remove the 'T', and also the 'O' to the left of it. Jump left and spray off the 'N', then drop down and spray off the hourglass. Make your way to the lower right, and finally clear the 'T'. Wooh! You've finished all the paintings. Or have you? The Black Widow is furious. She'll charge at you -- get out of the way! But don't wake up yet. You have to erase the Black Widow's self-portait in the center as well. This may take a while, since she's charging at you. The trick: stay on the top floor, and jump as she's coming at you. Also stay in the spaces between spider threads. Yesss! The Black Widow has faded away. Grab her totem off of the bench: the paintbrush. You can wake up now.
There's one we haven't seen yet -- the Binary Bard. Let's do that now. Hey, it looks like the door has a mind of it's own! It keeps shutting and opening, never letting anyone through. Well, we can fix that. Equip the stopwatch and you can stop time! Make sure to do this only when the door is fully open. Move past the door quickly and it will shut behind you. Mordred a.k.a the Binary Bard will speed ahead. Looks like you won't be going back that way. Look around in this area, then move past the next door in the same way. Hey! Teh poster of Merlin the robotic owl is coming to life... and he's not your friend this time. He works for Mordred. All you have to do is freeze time when he's not near you and slip past the door. Uh-oh... the mouse is coming back to life now! Now what you have to do is freeze time when he's directly to the left of the barrier you need to pass. Jump on him and then over the barrier. There's a large machine there. Enter it. Walk right and stop time when the flying spiked platform is with the platform side up and near the column to the right. Now jump onto the platform and then onto the top of the tower. There's another spike-platform here, but it's flying vertically.
Freeze time just after it passes out of your view to the bottom, then jump on top of it and to the right. Drop off this platform and over the barrier to the right, and freeze time when one of the platforms is at a 45 degree angle pointing left, the other at a 45 degree angle pointing right. Using them, jump to the tall tower to the right. Drop off the tower and freeze the next platform when it's pointing up. Jump from it to the platform above it, then jump left. There are a series of three horizontal flying spike-platforms above you; freeze time when you see the lowermost one almost touching the green flower on the right. The other platforms will be perfectly aligned; step from them up to the next tower. Drop from this one to a lower tower to the left, and jump from this one to the one to the left. Collect the diamond drill and then make your way left... you know the drill. Near the end, you'll have to jump from the last platform to inside the big glass box to the left. Use the Crystal Key to get in... There's the Binary Bard! He'll start firing serrated red disks at you. Drop down to the platform below you and wait for him to fire. Jump when he throws a disk at you. Keep doing this until the hands of the giant clock are both either at 12, 3, 6, or 9, then freeze time. The Binary Bard will be electrocuted and it'll hurt even more because he's half robot. Remember that the second hand will reverse every time you shock him. Keep doing this three times and he will disappear, dropping his totem -- an astrolabe. You can move around anywhere you like doing this. You must be tired of moving around. Now you can wake up!
We can take on Dr. Hare now! Go to his garden and equip the diamond drill. This will let you drill faster and will get throgh the solid-rock blocks. Start pecking down as far as you can go and drop down, to the next section. After that has loaded, keep on drilling down until you find the solid-rock floor, then drill through that to the next section. All you have to do here is drill straight down and try to stay near the middle of the world. After you've gone far enough you'll find a chamber full of ants. Drill into that chamber and hack away at the rock around a glowing yellow thing to collect... Dr. Hare's carrot totem! And there's Dr. Hare, grumbling about his dream... come back to the surface now. There's Dr. Hare... happy that his dream didn't end in the way it usually ends, whatever that means. Time to take on the last supervillain: a certain pirate.

Poptropica Japan Island Walkthrough Island

Crawl into Captain Crawfish's mind and make your way right. At the end of the floor, jump up and right, to the glass bottle. You can take off the drill now. USE the Shrinking Potion to enter the bottle. Now all you have to do is break out the ship. Move right and jump to the barrel. Jump left from the barrel to the top of the lower sail. Wait until the pirate slides into the watch bucket, then click the wooden door lying flat near the bucket to close it, trapping the pirate. Jump up to the higher sail and do the same for the pirate here. Then come all the way to the bottom of the bottle and walk to the back of the ship. Jump onto the lifeboat on the right and click the cannon to fire when there are no pirates in your way. The bottle will crack open and you can grow up again and grab the model. This is Captain Crawfish's totem. Back to the lab!
Hand over all the totems to Dr. Jupiter. Wow, that's strong stuff... we should destroy it! But Dr. Jupiter has other plans. He is actually Zeus, from Greek Mythology! You defeated him in Mythology Island, but now he finally has the power needed to take over Poptropica. All the supervillains break out when the prison is blown apart by Zeus and you're stuck in the sea. All over Poptropica, massive destruction, bad luck, and freaking out has been taking place. I should have guessed it when we found out his name was Jupiter... 'Jupiter' is the ancient Roman name for 'Zeus.' We've got to stop him! Swim left and talk to Poseidon and he will lend you his trident. Now you can fly up to the statue of Zeus in the city and meet him. What you have to do now is move away from him, dodging his attacks and grabbing pink clouds for power. Ultimately you have to destroy all four of the totems. This part is very similar to the final battle of Mythology Island, so read that part first. Go on, I'll wait... ready, begin!
The strategy for the first part is to keep moving around and to keep shooting in Zeus's general diraction! If you do both of these, Zeus won't have time to shoot at you. You have to watch out for the cannon clouds, though... they may look flimsy, but one shot from them can knock away half your clouds! Note: You have to let your feet touch the pink clouds to pick them up; just passing by isn't gonna cut it. But while you're doing this, also make sure to be destroying the totems! What you have to do is repeatedly shoot at them until the things holding them in place break away and the totems fall. The key:
  • Model Ship center of the base of the statue, held by jagged rocks.
  • Paintbrush halfway up the statue.
  • Astrolabe to the right of the paint brush, on the edge of the statue held by wooden boards.
  • Golden Carrot Top of statue, nestled in the torch the statue is holding.
After you've taken care of all the totems, you'll have to deal with Zeus himself. Simply plant yourself an inch (on the screen) away from him and keep firing hard until all his clouds are gone. If you don't stop shooting, he can't shoot you. After he's lost all his clouds he will call in the lightning bolts, emanating from the eyes of the statue. What to do? Keep circling around both eyes, keeping them just out of sight but firing in their direction repeatedly. Soon they'll shut and Zeus will be defeated, falling to the ground once more. Hooray! I hope that's the last time we see him. But, unfortunately if you're a Member, it's not...

Members-Only Bonus Quest

If you're not up for this, you can leave by going to the top left, exiting the room, walking left, exiting that room, and making your way back the way you came like this until you're in the main room, where the guard will let you through if you ask him. Outside, use the walkie-talkie to call the helicopter. But we want to go and explore Zeus's twisted mind in this bonus quest, don't we? That's what this next quest is about: A guard has been locked into a cell, and only Zeus knows the override code. Zeus's nightmares are just three rooms from Mythology Island (the Minotaur's maze, the garden, and Mount Olympus) upside down and color-inverted. You have to avoid the evil flying Zeus in the last two rooms. All this time, you'll be looking for these little bubbles with letters inside them. There are 4 in each room. When put together, they give you the code to free the guard! Let's begin; watch the video to the right before beginning. (warning: in this game, you fall to the ceiling. Also, the platforms are kind of glitchy, probably because they weren't designed to catch Poptropicans falling up.)
Video guide for the password-finding quest. I'm sorry about my clumsiness :) but I still think it's good because it shows you the locations of the letters, and full views of each setting.

Okinawa Japan

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