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- Is Poptropica Making New Islands
- 2020 Poptropica Updates
- Poptropica Old Islands
- New Poptropica Islands 2020
- Poptropica Islands 2020
Is Poptropica Making New Islands
Hey Poptropicans, it's time for some important housekeeping!
As pretty much all of you know, the support of Flash is being permanently discontinued this year. However, Poptropica isn't going anywhere! The screenshot that you see above isn't actually taken from the live game. It's from the HAXE JavaScript build that our developers have been working on since last year. It's a HUGE undertaking for a small team like Poptropica, and they've been doing an AMAZING JOB!
2020 Poptropica Updates

Poptropica Old Islands
Pretty much nothing.
Same art style. Same islands. Same Poptropica! As many of our older fans know, there were two different Flash engines that previously ran Poptropica. In technical terms, they are called AS2 and AS3. Some members of the community might know them better as Old School and Sound Updated islands. Our main task right now is converting every AS3 island.
We want to emphasize that the Old School islands are still on the table! But the code that built them is so old that they would need to be remade from the ground up if we were to re-insert them into the live game. We've seen this rumor quite a bit, so we'd like to put it to bed: They will definitely not be playable when the JavaScript build launches.
New Poptropica Islands 2020