Poptropica Carrot Island

Take a tour of Super Power Island with a video tutorial, island description & much more. A giant meteor has crashed into the virtual world's prison, freeing criminals & giving them super powers.

This is the full solution, including spoilers. If you want toplay the game, there are hints online at the Poptropicasite.

  1. Talk to the crying mayor, and he will tell you that the town isdeteriorating because all of their carrots have disappeared.
  2. Visit Charlie's Carrot Surplus where the clerk tells you hercat is missing, and may be by the farmhouse.
  3. Head left to Carrot Farm.
  4. Go to the old house and enter it by the chimney.
  5. Go right and take the bowl that you find next to thecouch.
  6. Go back to town and visit the Carrot King Diner. Take the bowlto the waitress and ask her to fill it up with milk.
  7. Go back to the farmhouse and put the bowl down where you foundit.
  8. Go to the right and climb the electric wire to get upstairs. Goleft until you reach the bathroom. Turn on the shower by twistingthe handles. The cat will jump out.
  9. Chase the cat back downstairs (this may take awhile, and theeasiest way is to just auto-chase by clicking on the cat). The catwill drink the milk and follow you.
  10. Go back to town and give the clerk her cat. She will give you acrowbar.
  11. Go to the Carrot Factory.

Poptropica Carrot Island Walkthrough

At the factory:

  1. Get the blueprints from the boarded window.
  2. Climb down near the icky water to the right of the building anduse the crowbar to get inside.
  3. Walk to the left until you find the Carrot Transporter.

Entering the factory:

  1. Climb up and go right. The last two moving floor sections maytake a while to get past. (Try to stop between them.)
  2. Continue climbing up. Dodge the rat, and go up to the mainfactory room.
  3. To turn on the power, move the middle switch all the way downand the other two switches to the middle. Once it is turned on,jump up and hop on the moving claw near the top. This will take youright to the vent system.
  4. First, head for the PROCESSING ROOM (on the lower left). Usethe blueprints you found earlier to find your way around the ventsystem.
  5. On your way to the PROCESSING ROOM, you will pick up a pair ofwire cutters.
  6. If you enter the room, the robot guard will transport you outof there, to :
  7. The FREEZER room . In the FREEZER, you will find a securitybox. Cut the wires and leave.

The password:

  1. Go to the PRINTER ROOM. You can disable the rabbot earscontrolling the worker there (who is being mind-controlled). You dothis by pressing the ears' blue control button (C) when her back isturned. She will show you a piece of paper that prints out. (Itreads, 'System Password: fuzzybunny'.)

Rabbot ears:

  1. Go to the PROCESSING ROOM. With the security system disabled,the flying rabbot guard will not appear.
  2. Release the workers from their mind control. You will see thatthe evil Dr. Hare's plant is stealing all the island's carrots toprocess into Rocket Fuel chemicals. Go to the big metal doors onthe right that says EXIT. Because you don't have rabbot controlears, it drops you through the trap door instead. It will take youto a room with giant smashing machines.
  3. Make your way down the belt without getting squirted or smashedflat. At the far side, you will find a pair of rabbot ears. Climbout.

How to defeat Dr. Hare:

  1. Make sure you are wearing your rabbot ears when you go to EXITdoor.
  2. The door will open and Dr. Hare will be waiting for you. Heassumes you are under his control and orders you to launch theGIANT SPACE RABBOT.
  3. Climb up Dr. Hare's rabbot and go to the right side by thecomputer. Deactivate the person's rabbot ears so he will let youuse the computer. Type in the password from before (fuzzybunny) andthe task (launch rabbot).
  4. A little screen will pop up, kind of like a video game. Use thejoystick to steer the GIANT SPACE RABBOT into the meteors to crashit.
  5. When you defeat Dr. Hare and his rabbot, follow the releasedslave up the rope to the left, and go back to Main Street. All ofthe citizens are grateful.
  6. Talk to the mayor and he'll give you the 24 Carrot Islandmedallion.

Before you leave, check the farmhouse. The carrots are no longerbeing stolen.

Poptropica Carrot Island Bowl

(The sky is a pretty blue now, but its unclear whether that'sdue to stopping the fumes from the rocket fuel, or just a symbol ofthe better situation for the island.)

Poptropica Carrot Island Where Are The Bunny Ears

You will find a pair of the mind-control rabbot ears in thePreparing Room. In the processing room, go right to the door thatsays 'Drones Only'. When you try to enter, a trap door drops youinto the machinery area. Make your way through the smashers andsquirters to reach the upper left, where you will find rabbot earsand the exit.

Poptropica Carrot Island Password

Back in the Processing Room, wear the ears when you go to thedoor and you can enter the Launch Room, where the villainous Dr.Hare will think you are one of his mind-controlled servants.