1387 Poptropica

When you arrive at the Time Tangled Island, run on your right side and you will see the Pendulum’s Lab and talk to the lady that has a orange hair and sunglass. Enter to the Lab and use the ramp to go down and ask the lady again why is she crying and she will give you a Mission Printout and now go down push the big plug to connect to the switch to use the Future Machine. Jump over the plug and enter to the Future Machine.

  1. 1387 Poptropica Walkthrough
  2. 1387 Poptropica Online

Oct 12, 2008  What puzzle do you need to do in 1387 AD in poptropica? Wiki User October 12, 2008 9:22PM. The puzzle is a king sitting on his throne. Jun 14, 2011  The Declaration of Independence is one of the missing items that you need to recover and return to the correct time period. This Declaration of Independence must be return in the time ofThe Graff House(1776 AD – 7’oclock in your Time Device) give it to man with black hat inside the house.

Inside the Future machine go a little bit on your left side and talk to the man with white hair and he will give you a Time Device that is you 50 years older, and your there to repair the future by repairing the past. Tip the Time Device has a date that you may choose you go any of the date that is available to the Time Device to correct the Future.

In 1387 a.d. then press the button, go up using the wood tip be careful on the cobra, snake bite make you weak and go to the right side of the screen to talk to the man with white clothes tip first get the sides of the picture and the rest will be easier and he will give you a Document if you play the game and finish the portrait. When you get the Document go to 1776 then press the button again, jump over the animals that are outside the red house and jump on the window ceiling to go to the roof of the red house to get the Salt Rocks. And get inside the red house give the Documents to the man on the second floor. And go back to 1387 a.d. and give the Salt Rocks on the woman on the top of the building with a right towel on her head.

Now go to 0328 b.c. get the Phonograph at the top of the white house, use the white statue on the right side to jump and go up to the roof of the white house.

Then go to 1877 a.d. and bring the Phonograph to Mr. Thomas Edison enter to the door at the house and look for Mr. Thomas. Then go back and get the bicycle on the left side of the screen to use for you to get on the top of the roof of the house and get the Pieces of Stone on the top of the roof.

Once you get the Pieces of Stone go to 1519 a.d. and give the Pieces of Stone to the king of Eztec Empire, use the ladder but be careful on the guards that secure the place, just jump over him. And the give the Pieces of Stone go to the right side of the screen and you will see a old man and he will give you a Mask, and put it on your face and go near by the guard in the ladder that guards the temple and talk to him and he will give you the Goggles.

When you get the Goggles go to 1953 a.d. and run until you get on the top of the Mount Everest and be careful on the slippery ice and the icicles. Once you seen the two men, ask on the man without the Goggles and give the Goggles to him and move upward to the top of the mountain and get the Statuette of Liberty.

If you had the Statute of Liberty go to 1882 a.d. and on the site you will see a unfinished monument go enter to the door of Gaget, Gauthier et Cie enter there and look at you right side you will see Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and talk to him and give the Statue of Liberty to him. Now go out and go into the top of the unfinished statue and on your left side jump to the other building to get the Notebook.

Now when you get the Notebook, go to 1576 a.d. at Mr. Leo’s Workshop and use the stone on the left side on the falls to go up. And use the rope way to easily get to Mr. Leo’s place. Give him his Notebook and after you get it walk again to the rope way, were you can see the Peace Medal near to the man on the woods.

On the 1805 a.d. and give the Peace Medal to the soldier and get the Stone Bowl on the tree with no leaves, wait on the animal that holds the Stone Bowl on his head. Once you get it go to 1593 a.d. and get the Gunpowder on the grass on the right side of your screen and go to the top and play a memory game to the man on the top of the wall. Tips you just have to memorize at least the partner of the open card. When you won the game the man will give you his Amulet and then go to the other side of the wall the soldier who look worried ask him and give him the Stone Bowl.

Then go to 0831 a.d. and give the Amulet to the Soldier who where lost their Amulet to guide them on the sea. And go at the top of the stone and use the Gunpowder to be a bomb to open the cave where the Golden Vase is. Tip when you get to the cave, use the torch and don’t go to the water to stay on fire and do it quickly, you have 30 seconds to find the Golden Vase on the cave. And when you get it, get the Viking Suit on the other side of the stone.

On the 0328 b.c. go back to that date and give the Golden Vase to the Soldier. When you’re done, go to the Lab and press the button.

Go back to the Pendulum’s Lab and again go down and connect the plug together and go back to the Future Machine.

This will be the future, use the monorail to get up instead of rope and it uses air to lift you up until you get to the top where you can get your Medallion. Congratulations you have been save the future!!!

Use the Time Device once you get it and click the icon on the last or the face with blue handkerchief in his head and press the button to use the Time Device in the time of 1953 a.d.

Click the item near to you which tells you about the Mount Everest and you can see more facts about it when you want too. Now move and follow the mountain and the ladders to go up until you reach the rope to go up but watch out because the mountain is very slippery. Until you get to another mountain that you will climb again. And when you get up watch out from the ice cubes that are fallen go up until you reach the Statuette of liberty get it.

Tip in the Time Device there is a date at the center of the device that will tell you what generation and year it is. And remember you can choose what will be the first date you want to play.

In 1882 when you press the button, when you arrive at Gaget, Gauthier et Cie enter there and look at you right side you will see Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and talk to him and give the Statue of Liberty to him. Now go out and go into the top of the unfinished statue and on your left side jump to the other building to get the Notebook.

In 1877 a.d. then press the button, when you arrive here use the bicycle on the left side of the screen and use it to jump on the tree to go to the house to get the Pieces of Stone.

In 1776 a.d. then press the button again, jump over the animals that are outside the red house and jump on the window ceiling to go to the roof of the red house to get the Salt Rocks.

In 1387 a.d. then press the button; you will see lots of brown sand, and woods. Here go up to the building using the woods on the building and look on a lady that is in the top of the left side. Then ask her and give her the Salt Rocks.

In 1387 a.d. press the button again to go in this date, and give the Salt Rocks to the lady on the top of the roof and go up to the building and go to next building on your right side and enter to Timbuktu inn look for the man who have a scroll on his hand and play a game with him, for you to get the Document.

In 1519 a.d. then press the button, go to the king of Eztec Empire and give the Pieces Stone and move to the right and you will see an old man that will give you a Mask, then use that Mask to talk to the soldier on the ladder and he will give you the Goggle. Now come back to 1953 ad to give the Goggles to the man climbing on the Mount Everest climb again and use the ropes to see the man again and give it tos him.

In 1516 a.d. then press again the button use the stone on the falls on the left side on the screen to enter the Leo’s workshop. There is a wood that you can use to go to Leonardo de Vinci’s room and go to the third floor of the room and give his Notebook and as a reward he will give you a Glider. Now when you go out to Leo’s workshop get the Pieces of Medal on the wood swing near to the man.


In 1805 a.d. then press the button, give the Piece of Medal to the lady soldier and find the tree on the right side of your screen and get the Stone Bowl on the head of an animal.

1387 ad poptropica

1387 Poptropica Walkthrough

In 1593 a.d. then press the button, get the Gunpowder on the grass on the right side of your screen.

On the wall there is a man that looks like a king on the right side and there is a memory game there to get an Amulet, try to memorize the one of them. Once you win take the amulet. After you get the amulet go to the other side of the wall on your left side where you will see a soldier… talk to him and he will be thank full if you give him the Stone Bowl

In 0831 a.d. then press the button, give the Amulet to the soldier they need the amulet to protect while on the sea. And go to the top of the big stones and use the Gunpowder to enter to the cave were the Silver Vase is there tip, move fast so you can see where will you go, and do not walk on water your torch will not work. And on the right side on your screen get the Viking Suit.

Go back to 1776ad to give the document of declaration to Mr. Thomas Jefferson.

In 0328 a.d. then press the button,

Run to the right until you reach to the gate and enter there

1387 Poptropica Online

0328 b.c.-get the Phonograph on the top of the building using the statue of the man with a wings and a tail. Go back to the 1877 ad to bring the Phonograph to Mr. Edison.