Survival Episode 5 Poptropica

You build the fire to the left of the large boulder on therightmost screen of Survival Part 1. You

will need various items including the dry kindling from the caveat far right.

Sep 11, 2014 The final episode of Survival Island has been released for members. You can get all the cheats and tips on the Survival Island Cheats Page, and here’s the walkthrough video for Episode 5. Nov 01, 2014  In this video i'm gonna show you how to complete Poptorpica Survival Episode 5. My Channel:The link.

--(excerpted from the Related Question)

1) To your left is a Survival Handbook, but the first 6 pageshave blown out. You can collect them you collect the other itemsyou need to set up a fire.

- two pages in the scene to your left (one under a stump youhave to push over)

- two in the branches above and to the right of where youlanded

- two in the scenes to the right: one high in the tree on the'ridge' and one farther right near the large stump (to the right ofthe hollow log)


4) To get the other 8 items you need, you will have to crossback and forth between the scenes. You can use the springybranches, but you will still need to move left and right betweenthe trees.

- bird nest (tinder)

Burning Love Episode 5

Survival Episode 5 PoptropicaSurvival Episode 5 Poptropica

- logs

- wet kindling (not used)

- mittens

- ax handle

- striker key (in backpack)

- flint (stone)

- dry kindling

2) The closest item besides the two pages is the bird nest. Ifyou go right, you will see a squirrel climb a tree. He will not letyou take the nest that is there. Go back left and climb up untilyou see a woodpecker. He will fly away right. Follow him and climbup to see him again. He goes left again to the top of the tree atfar left (where your parachute is). He will fly away to the rightagain. Follow him and you will find him at the squirrel's tree, andhis noise drives the squirrel away. Pick up the birdnest.

3) As you cross the lower branches, one will break, providingyour logs.

4) Head right along the bottom of the ridge and you will findwet kindling (collected, but NOT to be used)

5) Continue to the far right scene and you will find a hollowlog. Inside are some sleeping mice and (at left) your pair ofmittens.

6) Continue right to get the guide page, then go all the wayback across to the left, where you will get two more items.

7) At the ax stump, wear the mittens and you can break off theax handle from the ax.

8) Climb the tree at far left in the left scene, and stand underthe dangling parachute. Jump up to grab the strap, and climb to thebranch. Go right to reach the backpack. Click and the key fallsdown into the snow. Using the mittens, clear the snow to get thekey.

9) Head back to the far right where the large boulder is perchedon a hill. Use the ax handle to pry it loose. It will roll down tothe left. This creates a wind-free zone to the left of the rock,and breaks off a piece (your flint). It also uncovers a smallcave.

10) Pick up the flint and enter the cave. There is asleeping bear inside! You must not wake it. When you move right,drops of water splash in the darkness above, showing there areledges higher up. Jump right from ledge to ledge, and you will findsome dry kindling. Leave the cave.

Poptropica Walkthrough Survival Ep 2

11) You now have everything you need for your fire. Push theboulder farther left into the hollow. Jump to the left side of theboulder. Notice that the green wind flag at bottom left stopsblowing. This is where you make your fire.

12) Click on the 'fire' icon (lower left) and perform thesesteps from the manual:

-- wear mittens and clear ALL of the snow from your firearea

-- set down the bird nest (tinder)

-- click the striker (key) and flint to start a smolderingfire

-- the arrow says 'blow on fire' by clicking at the top ofthat arrow

-- add the tripod of DRY KINDLING (not the wet kindling)

-- add the logs