Poptropica You Must Be On An Errand From The Gods

  • Poptropica Walkthrough - Mythology Island Part 6 - Getting Hercules to help you
  • By chronodev (Ron)
  • Published 03/9/2012
  • Unrated
After receiving the touchscreen mirror from Aphrodite at Poseidon's Palace, go west to the statue of Poseidon then dive down the water. Touch the big air bubbles on the way to replenish your oxygen. You will reach what looks like a movable stone floor, but if you interact with it, you say that you do not have the strength to break through this barrier. Keep diving, and you will come across a pearl in a shell. The shell closes on you so be careful. Try approaching the shell from the right side and immediately going for the pear. Grab it:
Sacred Item
Giant Pearl
The five sacred
Enter the underwater cave that has the sign 'Danger Gnarly Monster'. You will come across the Hydra. The Hydra has five heads, and each time a different head will attack you. You need to jump as soon as a head attacks you to avoid it's attack, and land on top of that head. This requires careful timing and it will probably take a few tries to kill all the heads. Once you have defeated the hydra, you get:
Sacred Item
Hydra's Scale
Now that you have all five sacred items, return to Zeus. Athena stops you on the way. She knows you have the five objects. She has learned something about them, they are dangerous! You ask her what she means, and she tells you to take a closer look at those clues. This opens up the secret message puzzle where you have to organize the clues in a sentence. The correct order for the words is as follows:
'Whoever wields the five sacred objects will rule all of Poptropica!'
As soon as you solve the puzzle, Zeus arrives. He laughs and steals the five items from you. Now he can control all of Poptropica. You ask him what about your immortality. But Zeus calls you a foolish mortal and admits that he was just using you. You demand he gives you the items back, but he says not a chance, all of Poptropica will be under his control by midnight! He disappears. Talk to Athena. You can tell her:
This is not good
What do I do
But he won't help
When you tell her the situation isn't good, she says that only the power of Poseidon and Hades can stop her father. Ask her what you have to do and she tells you that Hercules can help you reach them. If you tell her that he won't help, she says to hurry and ask him.
Go to Herc's Hero Hut and talk to Hercules who is handing autographs. You can tell him:
Please Help me!
You have to help me. Your father wants to rule all of Poptropica
You don't have to. Aphrodite gave me a mirror. We can teleport where we need to go
Choose the second option. Hercules says it is tempting but he does not feel like walking right now. Tell him about Aphrodite's mirror. He finally agrees to help you, saying that autograph saves have been slow lately.
The mirror can take you to certain places in the realms of the gods, but only if you've already been there once. Click on the green realm to go to Hades's realm. Hercules goes to the boulder blocking the throne room and says that a little pebble is no match for Herc's mighty muscles. Enter Hades' throne room after Hercules has moved the boulder. Talk to Hades. You can tell him:
You must be Hades
Can you stop him?
Thanks! What do I do with it
If you tell him that he must be Hades, he says that he knows why you have come, his brother Zeus is very dangerous. Ask him if he can stop Zeus. He tells you that he cannot leave the underworld, but he will give you his crown. If you ask him what to do with Hades' Crown he tells you that you will know when the time comes.
Leave Hades's Throne room and click on the use the mirror again. Click on the purple trident realm to travel to Poseidon's Kingdom. Hercules breaks the barrier there. Enter the small underwater house and talk to Poseidon. You can tell him:
You must be Poseidon
Can you stop him?
Thanks, What do I do with it?
Poseidon cant leave the sea but he gives you his Trident.
Go back to Hercules. Use the mirror on the top lightning realm. You will arrive at the gates of Mount Olympus.

Enter Hades' throne room after Hercules has moved the boulder. Talk to Hades. You can tell him: You must be Hades Can you stop him? What do I do with it If you tell him that he must be Hades, he says that he knows why you have come, his brother Zeus is very dangerous. Ask him if he can stop Zeus. Mythology Island is inspired by Greek mythology, with gods such as Athena, Zeus, Poseidon, and creatures such as satyrs and Minotaur. The silver drachma coin you receive says “AOE” (with a dash inside the O), which spells the letters alpha theta epsilon.

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This article is part 6 of a 7 part series. Other articles in this series are shown below:
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    Island Guide - Tips and Tricks!

    Poptropica You Must Be On An Errand From The Gods Of God

    Welcome to Mythology Island, which debuted on Poptropica in 2010! Take a step back in time to ancient Greece and experience the fury of the Greek gods and goddesses!

    Your adventure begins at the Museum of Olympus where a feud has erupted between Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Find the Tree of Immortality where you'll meet a satyr and learn of his woes after nymphs have hidden his honey from him. In a race against the clock you'll need to help him collect all his honey, after which he'll reveal a new path to lead you to the Golden Apple.

    True to form, Zeus will descend offering you immortality in exchange for five sacred items, listed on the Sacred Items Scroll. Are you prepared for this quest!?


    POPTROPICA TIP: The Pipe Tune you learn will be used more than once on the island!

    From here you'll encounter the most famous of the famous in Greek mythology '– we didn't name it Mythology Island for nothing! First chat with Athena, then make your way to Euterpe, the Muse of Music. Keep on moving through Apollo's temple, past Hades temple, and enter Poseidon's temple. Be prepared for Aphrodite to test your knowledge!

    From here you'll need to defeat the five-headed Hydra, collect a giant pearl, water a beautiful flower (don't forget the pomegranates!), and get the ring from the Minotaur.

    Now you'll venture into the temple of Hades, hand over a delicious offering, and prep for your journey across the River Styx. Collect a whisker from Cerebus and celebrate that you've collected all five items! But your journey doesn't end there...

    Need help to complete this island? Check out the official Poptropica walkthrough video above!

    Poptropica You Must Be On An Errand From The Gods

    Poptropica You Must Be On An Errand From The Gods Trailer

    Did You Know: Members who complete Mythology Island get two additional costumes!

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