Poptropica Night Watch

Night Watch Island

Night Watch Members Only Items: Acing the Interview When you get to the island, go all the way to the right to the parking lot. When you go to the right and talk to the guy with the NY hat.

After the stores have closed and the shoppers have all gone home, the mall is your playground. But are you alone on the night watch... or is someone watching you? From escaped animals to creeping cat burglars, get ready to find out what really happens after hours!
Does this island remind anyone else of Back to the Future?

Poptropica Cheats for Night Watch Island

Jump off the blimp and walk right, past the Bananabees. Talk to the people in the overnight line outside Twin Palms Mall. Hey, doesn't that sound like Twin Pines Mall, from the movie Back to the Future? They all seem excited about this new gadget from 'MacGuffin' for various reasons. The mall is closed, and won't open until 7:00 AM. Run right to the Parking Lot--that sign with the clock is from the movie--and talk to the security guard, who has just lost his job. Go past the grey car... hey, that looks like a slightly modified version of the DeLorean from the movie Back to the Future! Talk to the guy in the PrintFax car. Then talk to the store manager, who will ask you to apply for a security guard job at the mall. Your chance in! Run left and press the red buzzer on the door to the security office. This time you'll be let in (well, sort of reluctantly).
Inside the security room is a bank of monitors showing scenes from across the mall... nothing suspicious The lady explains that the last guy was let go because he was 'seeing and hearing things that weren't there.' Now she'll give you a test: as nightwatchmen need keen eyes, in the next minigame you need to study a picture, click next, and spot the differences. Not much I can help you here, but one clue is to focus on the small details, especially the ones that are hidden among similar things and the ones that are in a otherwise blank space by themselves. I'll admit, it's a difficult game -- and my short-term memory is awful. You have 10 clicks and 5 differences to spot, so there is plenty of room for error. Here is one photo for if you need help:
  • Dr. Hare tile becomes tiki guy tile
  • There is no disco ball
  • The fallen jeans are reversed
  • The orange shirt on the top-left rack has no star
  • The leftmost belt is orange
Now she'll ask you to get onto the scooter (like a Segway) and patrol the mall. Explore around for a bit, then click on one of the training robots to say, 'no loitering!'. They'll say 'Yes, sir' and walk away. Now go all the way right and go to the next part of the mall. Talk to the robot granny, then go all the way right and click on the robot boy to scold him for running the wrong way up the escalator. Hey, I love doing that! He'll sizzle out and explode. Now, that is slightly less exciting. Run left and you'll see someone trying to rob the old woman! Chase the guy into the Atrium and you'll stop him... with a spectacular tackle that leaves him sizzling on the floor. Go to the security office and look around. Observe the map. The look at the TV screen. Hey, there's a disturbance in MacGuffin's! That's the store everyone is talking about! Look at the map to see where the store is and leave by the way you came in. Run right across the Atrium, into Mall Right. Take the elevator up twice to get to the third floor. Aargh, elevator music! Walk right to MacGuffin's and enter it.

The Smartphone

Whoa, look at all these crazy, useless gadgets! Walk past them, to the sofa chair with the ringing coming from it. Click on it to pick up Gus's (the old security guard) phone. He'll walk you through using it. Basically, click Home and an icon to use something and click the question mark for a tutorial. Look around with the security camera and return to the main screen. There's also a Planet Slug Game. The trick is, drag the slingshot to the microphone at the left and release to hit the first monster. Then shoot from the bottom of the oval that the mic is in to destroy an asteroid in your way. Lastly, shoot from just above the asteroid to beat the first (and only) level. Click the power button in the top right to return to the mall.

Security Camera

You can see live feeds from 12 stores:
  • MacGuffin’s Gadget Store
  • Good Deals Electronic Shop (real-life: Best Buy)
  • In the Now Clothing Store
  • CrawlMart Pet Shop
  • PrintFax Print Shop (real-life: FedEx)
  • Slugger’s Athletic Keepsakes
  • Slumbertown Mattress Store
  • JollyGifts Gift Store
  • Sizzle Tanning Salon
  • Giuseppe's Toy Store (real-life: Gepetto's Toys)
  • Carnival Costumes
  • No Pain, No Gain Sports Fitness Store

Contact List

This is a list of people you can call for various reasons:
  • Home (Gus)
  • Mall Manager
  • Print Shop Owner
  • Slugger's Owner
  • Pet Shop Owner
Hey, there's an alert on your phone! Click 'View Camera' and move your mouse to the box with the helmet out of it. Run left and take the elevator one floor down. Run right and into Slugger's Athletic Keepsakes. Call the owner and he will tell you about his Honus Wagner card. Walk right and click on the statue to move it, then punch in the code 6723. The card is still in there! Click on it. The owner will call you, and you can put it back. Leave the store and go left to the Atrium. You have another alert! Open your security camera and go to the Giuseppe's Toy Store view. Move the mouse until the frame begins flashing red, above the door and just under the light, on the railway track. When it turns solid red, Gus will ask you to go check on it. This is how most alerts will work, by the way. Run to Mall Left and take the elevator all the way to the top. Giuseppe's in the second store to the left. Enter it and run right, picking up the robot toy on the ground. Walk back left and grab the red Lil'Peepers toy bird. These must be setting off the lights. Return to the Atrium... ANOTHER ALERT!!!
It's from the tanning salon. Move the mouse to the leftmost tanning bed, which is smoking. Gus knows what's going on but wants to keep you in suspense, so go there and investigate! Run into Mall Right and past the new store, into Sizzle Tanning Salon. Walk left and click on the bed. Hey, there's an overtanned lady in there! She doesn't care that the mall is closed if she can get a few more minutes on 'Simmer'. *sigh* Leave and walk left until another alert, this time at the electronics store. Hey, the camera feed is gone! Maybe someone doesn't want you to see something going on there. Take the elevator to the third floor and run right past MacGuffin's, into Good Deals Electronics Shop. Walk left to the TV screens. Hey, there's a silhouette of a person walking out of the shop with something! Anyway, leave the store for now and we can investigate later. Go to the atrium... ALERT!
It's from the Crawl Mart. The coral snake Eddie, whose habitat is in the far right side of the store, is missing! Call the store owner, who'll tell you he might be hiding behind his favorite rock, and enter Mall Left. Run left into Crawl Mart, the second shop to the left. Run right and... the snake is gone! Answer the call, which will tell you that you may be able to lure the snake with one of his favorite snacks. But we have to find him first, so walk out... hey, there's Eddie! Chase him! You'll have to follow him into the Atrium and then into Mall Right. But now where is he? He's hiding in certain objects around Mall Right, and you'll know where because the item is shaking. The room he's in's door will also show him. He'll jump out ans escape when you click on the object. Here they are:Watch
  • MacGuffin's: Pocket-size Porta-Potty.
  • Sizzle: The right side tanning bed.
Quick, follow him into the Atrium! Run left and to the Chinese food kiosk, where he'll be too quick for you to catch. Go into your inventory and USE the red wind-up bird. Eddie will pop out, grab the bird, and... run away. Don't worry, the store owner will catch him in the morning. Head on over to Mall Right, where the real action will begin... ALERT! Carnival Costumes!

The Burglar

Hmm, there appears to be nothing wrong with this store... signal lost again! Quick, take the elevator to the top floor and run all the way right. Enter Carnival Costumes and walk left, to the cop and robber costumes. Hey, that's a real robber! He'll knock you flat and dash out. Follow him to MacGuffin's and hide in the corner by the QuickCharger gadget he's probably trying to steal. Here he comes! You'll scare him off and in his rush, he'll drop a back door key. Pick it up, exit, and walk right into Good Deal Electronics. Walk all the way left and use your key to open the door marked Employees Only. Oops, you can't see. So use your robot toy, which will run around and keep the motion-activated lights on. Enter the backroom and run right, to the TV screen. Pick up the paper there, which lets Preston, the current owner of PrintFax, have a new store at the mall. Huh? Gus says that the strange occurrences started soon after Preston applied for a new store. We need to reach PrintFax. Exit the store and run left, to Mall Left.
Take the elevator to the top floor and run left, towards PrintFax. AAUGH! The robber will slam into you in an employee golf cart and run away toward the Atrium. You'll never catch him on foot, you'll need one of those mall guard scooters. Gus says they're in the manager's office, but what's the password. He'll send a litany of possible passwords to your Notes app, but the correct one is 'FROST'. Exit into the Atrium and walk all the way right. Take the escalator up and hop off left, into the Manager's Office. Try to avoid the robber on the golf cart all this time. Walk left and click on the little green screen, then type in 'FROST'. The scooter will be yours, but... it needs to be charged. Exit, drop down, go to Mall Right, and take the elevator all the way up. Go right and enter MacGuffin's, then grab the QuickCharger. Then return to the Manager's Office and USE the gadget to charge the scooter. Oops, that didn't survive very long. But you can hop on and ride now!
Drop down to the bottom floor and run around back and forth until the robber comes down the left escalator towards you. Drive towards him and knock him off the cart. Go over to see who he... hey, that's a dummy robot! You've been fooled! And here comes even more embarrassment .. Eddie finally has come out of hiding to steal your scooter and race off somewhere towards Mall Right! *sigh* How did things go so wrong? Walk off left and into Mall Left. Another alert, this time in PrintFax! The robber is photocopying something! Run up to the top floor and enter the store. Run to the rightmost copier, click on Menu, and then click REPRINT LAST SCAN. It's the immensely valuable Honus Wagner card! Exit the store and run into Mall Right. Take the elevator one floor up and enter Slugger's. Run right and... oh, no, the card is gone! Along with the safe. It must have fallen into the store below! Exit and run left, into the Atrium. Take the escalator up and enter the Manager's Office. Click on the Employee of the Month picture to reveal the blowtorch behind. Who hides that in the manager's office??? Dash back to Mall Right and melt the lock on the new store. Enter, run right and... THE ROBBER!
The owner of PrintFax must have bought the new store and hired a burglar to tumble the safe into his own store, where he would replace it with a photocopied facsimile! And now he's getting away! Quick, follow him up into the vent system. Equip your blowtorch and click on red panels to melt them. Here's the way:
  • run right, melt, run right, melt, go up
  • go all the way right, melt the red panel
  • drop down, run right, melt
  • go up, jump left, THERE'S THE ROBBER!
  • melt the panel above that's closest to the gears
  • jump up left, go all the way left
  • melt the panel underneath you, drop down left
  • THERE'S THE ROBBER! He'll knock you off to the left.
From the platform where he will knock you, hop over the fan and follow the tunnel all the way to the right. Climb the first ladder and melt the yellow door. Go left, and melt the AC unit. He's getting away again! Go back to the first ladder and climb all the way up. Walk left and get over the gears the same way as before. Run to the bottom left and blowtorch the yellow door open. Drop down left and the thief will fly up. Walk right and melt this next AC unit. Then melt the next two yellow doors to your left. Jump onto the ladder and climb all the way to the top, then jump off right and open the next yellow door. Dash right. There's the thief! He'll jump off right and knock himself out. Go there and pick up the card. He'll come to and knock you out into the Atrium. He's about to get away when Eddie slams into him on the Segway and the real cops get him. As expected, he's the owner of PrintFax. And with a cry of, 'I would have gotten away with it if not for that meddling security guard', he's off. But the adventure doesn't end there...

Operation Training Robot Clean-up
Top Secret, Members Only

Your shift lasts for another two hours, so what do you do during that time? The answer comes to you in the form of Slugger's owner chasing a mischievous training robot across the atrium. The robot has stolen his set of collectible 1960s Canadian sports cards and scattered them across the mall! It's your task to find the set and return all nine cards to Slugger's safely. Here are all the locations:
  1. Middle, Saturn: Climb the statue and jump up to Saturn's rings to find the Rudolph card.
  2. Top right, Space Time Pizza: Click on the right-side dough. Click on the Hayes card under it quickly.
    Mall Left
  3. Bottom right, Jolly Gifts: Click on the can just next to the cash register. The Williams card will pop out.
  4. Bottom left, Crawl Mart: Climb from the parrot cages to the second floor. Click on the Bonds card when no piranhas are above it to extract it. Timing is crucial!
  5. Middle left, In the Now: Click on the huge speaker up to the left and the Blanchard card will drop out.
  6. Middle right, No Pain No Gain Sports Center: Run right, pick up a bat, turn on the pitching machine, then run to the plate. Hit the spacebar when a ball comes near you to knock the Barnes card down.
    Mall Right
  7. Bottom middle, Sizzle's Tanning Salon: Click on the dial next to the rightmost tanning bed until it turns yellow, then click on the bed to grab the Frederick card.
  8. Middle right, Slumbertown: From the door, jump up and bounce off the purple mattress. This will shake out the Turner card.
    Outside (exit the mall through the Security Office in the Atrium)
  9. Jump up the window ledges until you reach the glass dome at the top of the mall to find the Louis card.
Re-enter the mall and run to Mall Right. Go to Slugger's on the left side of the second floor and return the cards to the owner. He'll thank you and give you the cool Old-Time Baseball Uniform to keep! Enter the nearest multiplayer room and boast.
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Poptropica Night Watch Spot The Difference

After the stores have closed and the shoppers have all gone home, the mall is your playground. But are you alone on the night watch... or is someone watching you? From escaped animals to creeping cat burglars, get ready to find out what really happens after hours!
—Poptropica Promo

Poptropica Night Watch Snake Food

Main ThemeMall after hours
Preceded ByZomberry Island
Succeeded ByBack Lot Island


Night Watch Island is the 33rd Island on Poptropica. In it, you must join the night watch at Twin Palms Mall and find out what happens after hours.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The common room on Night Watch island, 'Bananabees', is a reference to the real-life restaurant, Applebees.
  • The store In The Now may be a reference to Hot Topic.
  • There are many references to the movie, Back to the Future.
    • The car in the parking lot on Night Watch Island is, in fact, a DeLorean, a reference to the sports car time-machine from the Back to the Future movies.
    • The Twin Palms Mall is another reference. In the first Back to the Future movie, Marty McFly meets Doc Brown at the Twin Pines Mall before zooming back to 1955 in the DeLorean. In 1955, he knocks over a tree and when he returns to 1985 it is renamed the Lone Pine mall.
    • In Slugger's Authentic Keepsakes, the magazine rack holds a 1950-2000 sports almanac, like the one Marty finds in an antique shop in the second Back to the Future movie.
    • The time on the Twin Palms Mall sign, saying 9:02 pm, is yet another reference to Back to the Future.
  • Preston Wilhelm, owner of PrintFax (which is another reference), is driving a Dorf Bean 2, which is a reference to both Ford (the real-life automobile company) and the Dorf Bean found on Zomberry Island.
  • PrintFax is a reference both in its name and logo to FedEx (a real life photo copying and package sending company).
  • The scooter you get to ride on is similar to a Segway.
  • Inside the store, Sluggers, there are pennants that have references to other Poptropican islands:
    • One that says Dos Cactos, which is a reference to Wild West Island.
    • Another that says Hemlock Haunts, which is a reference to Ghost Story Island.
    • A third one that says River City Rodents, which is a reference to Shrink Ray Island.
    • And the last one says Poptropica Paddlefish, which is a reference to Zomberry Island.
  • On one of the shelves insider the store, Sluggers, you can see Wilson the volleyball from Shark Tooth Island. The funny thing is Wilson is a reference to a volleyball of the same name from the movie, Cast Away.
  • On the front window of the store, No Pain No Gain, you can see an ad for Sports Nectar, which is a reference to Cryptids Island.
  • Good Deals is a reference both in its name and logo to Best Buy (a real life electronics and appliance store).
  • The store, Crawlmart, may be a reference to Wal-Mart.
  • Inside the store, Carnival Costume, you can see many references to other islands, they will be listed below:
    • There is a Bobo the Clown poster, which is a reference to Counterfeit Island.
    • There is a cherry blossom girl costume, which is a reference to Red Dragon Island.
    • There is a cardboard box robot costume, which is a reference to Game Show Island.
    • There is an elf costume, which is a reference to Twisted Thicket.
    • There is a rich guy costume, which is a reference to S.O.S Island.
  • There is a Berry Delicious Smoothie Shop, from Zomberry Island, in Twin Palms Mall, now with oranges.
  • At the end of the island, Preston Wilhelm says 'I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for this meddling security guard!', which is a Scooby Doo reference.
  • The employee of the month at the mall is the training robot that gets destroyed in your act of stupidity.
  • The way the fans push you up in the ventilation system is similar to the fans in the vents in 24 Carrot Island.
  • The theme of riding segways and stopping crime at a mall after is closes could be a reference to the Mall Cop movie, and the whole 'after hours' thing could be based off of the movie Night at the Museum.
  • If you look at the TVs in Good Deals, you can see the show on it is from Reality TV Island.
  • If you are inside a store and you look at the security camera footage of the same store, strangely, you cannot see yourself.
  • You can have have a Free Hat on the Hat-o-matic and it can be a hat of your tribe

Videos[edit | edit source]

ItemsBack Room Key | Blowtorch | Honus Wagner Baseball Card | Island Medallion | Magazine Cover | Old-Time Baseball Uniform | Photocopy of Baseball Card | Quickcharger | Security Guard Badge | Smart Phone | Toy Bird | Toy Robot
LocationsCarnival Costumes | Coming Soon | Crawl Mart | Giuseppe's Toys | Good Deals Electronics | In The Now | Jolly Gifts | MacGuffin's | Main Street | Mall Atrium | Mall Left | Mall Right | Manager's Office | No Pain No Gain | Parking Lot | PrintFax | Security Office | Sizzle Tanning Salon | Slugger's Althetics Keepsakes
CharactersAllison Maynard | Gus | Little Eddie | Preston Wilhelm | Scorpions | Sluggers Storekeeper | Training Robots
Member ItemsBurnt Orange Tan Power | Cat Burglar Costume | Whoopzie Cushion
ResourcesWritten Guide | Map | Tour
2007Early Poptropica Island | Shark Tooth Island | Time Tangled Island
200824 Carrot Island | Super Power Island | Spy Island | Nabooti Island
2009Big Nate Island | Astro-Knights Island
2010Counterfeit Island | Reality TV Island | Mythology Island | Skullduggery Island | Steamworks Island | Great Pumpkin Island | Cryptids Island
2011Wild West Island | Wimpy Wonderland | Red Dragon Island | Shrink Ray Island | Mystery Train | Game Show Island | Ghost Story Island(members)
2012Ghost Story Island(everyone) | S.O.S Island | Vampire's Curse Island | Twisted Thicket | Poptropolis Games(before sinking) | Wimpy Boardwalk | Lunar Colony | Super Villain Island | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | Zomberry Island
2013Night Watch Island | Back Lot Island | Poptropolis Games(rising) | Virus Hunter Island | Mocktropica
2014Monster Carnival | Survival | Mission Atlantis | PoptropiCon | Arabian Nights
2015Galactic Hot Dogs Island | Mystery of the Map | Home Island | Timmy Failure | Escape From Pelican Rock
2016Monkey Wrench Island

Poptropica Night Watch Back Room Key

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