Poptropica Keyboard Controls

Poptropica Keyboard Controls

To use the weapons from the item store, just put it on and press the spacebar on your keyboard. Asked in Poptropica What are some promo codes for poptropica 2013? Control+shift+1=laughing emote. Control+shift+p=pumpkin head. Control+shift+s=change skin color. That is all of the codes and I will give the username for poptropica:Magicprincess14.


A sunburned pirate breaks down
in tears, stuck under tons of
Counterfeit Island dirt. Wait, what?
Poptropica's Creators spend hours working to make each sure each island holds up to the awesome quality that we've come to expect. But sometimes something slips by, and hilarity ensues. On this Tricks page, you'll find a catalog of almost every easter egg, cheat, bug or hilarious mistake known to the Poptropica community. Enjoy!
And remember that this page will always be a work in progress. If you find something new and cool, make sure to leave a comment at the bottom!
Tricks marked by a # no longer work, or were patched, even though they did work at one point.
Tricks marked with a * can damage your Poptropica account, either temporarily or fixable at great cost. However, there's nothing on this page that is truly permanent.

Easter Eggs

According to Wikipedia, and Easter egg is 'an intentional inside joke, hidden message, or feature in a work such as a computer program'. On Poptropica, there are several easter eggs that we've found over the years, and maybe some others that we haven't. But have you at least got these?
Cool-looking thing, but you can't costumize it, only wear or not wear the whole thing (it came out before the Costumizer existed).
To get it, go to the Viking period in Time Tangled and jump up to the entrance to the cave. Jump up to the broad stone above and walk to the right edge. Wear DaVinci's gliders and jump to the right. You'll land on a tall hill and you can collect this rare costume!
# (This one disappeared not long ago. You can get the same item by costumizing the spies in HQ on Spy Island.)
Go to Time Tangled Island and climb to the top right ledge of the Party Time Tower. Jump right and use the power lines to jump to the top of the dome to the right. Jump up to the weather vane and grab those shades!
You'll be paying hard-earned credits in the store for this snazzy costume normally, but not if you find it this way:
Go to the Poptropica Towers on Early Poptropica and walk to the second tower from the right, the green one. Climb up the windows to the second-highest row. Then click on the top-left pane of the middle window to claim your free costume.
# (This one disappeared as well. You can still get it by costumizing the dummies in Spyglass Eyewear on Spy Island.)
Go to the bathroom in the Park on Super Power Island and enter the sewer. Click on the wheel to lower the water. Swim all the way left and there'll be a pair of goofy glasses stuck in a drain!
Ever wondered where the test dummies on the Poptropica Sneak Peeks got their nifty masks? It's easier than you think...
Go to Legendary Swords and enter the cave. Go right, to the second room of the cave. Walk right and jump on the boulder with the purple vein in it. Jump on the big rock and jump again to get on the platform. Go all the way right and click on the glowing mask.
# (This one went bye-bye before I even started Poptrickia!) It was actually part of a scavenger hunt for Nabooti Island.
Go to Balding Avenue on Spy Island and climb the red building with the postage-stamp windows. From the right edge, jump right to the pale tan building. Jump up to the brown one, walk left, and jump up.

Keyboard Cheats

You can type these codes on your keyboard while anywhere in Poptropica (only the classic islands -- not the upgraded ones). They were put into the game

Keyboard Shortcuts

on purpose.
  • Ctrl-Shift-1: Do a belly laugh.
  • Ctrl-Shift-2: Cry.
  • Ctrl-Shift-3: Get mad and blow your head off! (Don't worry, it comes back).
  • Ctrl-Shift-4: Jump for joy (this happens automatically when you win an island medallion).
  • * Ctrl-Shift-S: Change your skin color randomly.
  • * Ctrl-Shift-H: Change your hair color randomly.
  • *Ctrl-Shift-R: Randomize every aspect of your avatar (except gender).
  • * Ctrl-Shift-P: Toggle a pumpkin head.
  • F12: Bring up a box to type in.
  • s: Skip dialog (see below)

Island Glitches & Quirks

  • Climb to the top of the HQ on Main Street and jump onto the wire. Bounce on the middle of it, then shoot the grappling hook toward the ground. You'll be underground! Run to the left to get rid of the wire wrapped around you.
  • *Dubbed the 'Stupid Jumper' Glitch, it is the only really bad bug in Spy. Before you've gotten the job with the chef, go to the rightmost table in the B.A.D. Bistro and jump onto the right edge of the table. Talk to the woman. You will be stuck jumping on the table like an idiot, but unable to move or do anything. To fix, reload the page and if your browser asks to resend form data, say yes.
  • # After you've completed the island, jump up to the topmost 'rung' of the fountain. Your head will be behind the orb, but in front of the rocket. Is it a fake? Is Arturus actually yet to be saved? Many continue to theorize to this day.
  • Go into the Internet Cafe and stand behind the laptop. Jump up. You'll be on an invisible platform!
  • It is impossible to collect the dictionary page if you are standing on the dictionary.
  • It is impossible to play the Pong game if you are standing on the computer.
  • Get a balloon and enter the tunnels. Go through them and rather than walking up the hill, jump straight into it. You'll be able to take a shortcut out!
  • With the balloon, climb onto any rope (I tried the blimp rope), then slide off. You will suddenly be launched up into the air!
  • With the balloon, jump onto one of the windows in the second row from the bottom of the outside of the Museum Fantastique. Then try running straight across. You will be able to cross the whole museum in one move!
  • Take a look at the night security guard's timecard. It says that he checked in at 10:00 PM Monday, but checked out at 3:56 AM that same day. This doesn't make sense because if the guard was there past midnight, then it should be Tuesday that he left, not Monday! Otherwise, he left before he entered.
  • In the PopArt museum, when you talk to the curator about the missing Scream painting: The Scream is in the museum, even though the Black Widow has supposedly stolen it! Also, the Scream is always in two places at once: Counterfeit and Early Poptropica.
  • In the sailing view, if you shoot a cannonball onto an island, it still makes a splash!
  • Captain Crawfish has a gray beard (click for proof) (by the way, this is how you can check for fake Captain Crawfish-es), but his beard is brown during the final scene on the treasure island! [theory: he's just getting older] [theory: that last theory is pure speculation].
Ghost Story
  • You throw salt at the magistrate at the end even if you didn't collect the salt from the guy on Main Street.
  • Silas Moon's nephew, the lodger, asks you to find his uncle's cemetery location. When you give it to him, he says, 'I just want to pay my respects and get out of this silly town.' But then instead of entering the cemetery, he just walks off!
  • The small crate in Fiona's cellar behaves very erratically if you try to stand on it. You will be pushed right through it, to the nearest platform below you.
  • Near the ledge where the small crate originally was, if you jump up, you'll be on an invisible platform!
  • It is possible to collect the locket more than once. However, you will have to give all of them to Fiona.
  • (When you've completed the island) In Cemetery Lot A, next to Fiona's grave, if you jump on the magistrate, you'll be behind him, but the minute you land, you'll be in front of him! Also, you cannot talk to him in this state.
S.O.S. Island
  • When you try to rescue the woman in the ballroom, she says that she can't swim. But after you rescue her, she swims up to the platform in the survivor's camp perfectly well!
  • After you solve the ballroom puzzle, there is a hole above you to the boiler room. No water pours out. But when you go up, you're standing above the hole but underwater!
Super Villain
  • In the lab, the bank of lamps is behind you, but the actual bulb part is in front. Ouch... sandwiched between the electricity and those hot filaments...
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Poptropica Keyboard Controls Free

  • In the Nut Room, when you put the walnut down, it will appear between your feet rather than in front of you. Also, the crumb of walnut appears even before the squirrel starts eating it.
  • After you've completed all the rooms and Wonka asks if you choose the ticket or to rescue Charlie: if you enter the Fudge Room, then every time you come back again, Wonka will drop from above!
Night Watch
  • You can bounce off the steel umbrella outside the mall, but you stand on the same umbrella inside MacGuffin's store. [PIC NEEDED]
  • If you are driving your scooter very fast when you hit the robber, you will get off and be a big, spread-out blur.
  • Click the blowtorch on a vent system barrier, but start moving before it disappears completely. When it doe, you'll be moving forward as if you're pushing a huge weight. [PIC NEEDED]
  • Even after you finish Night Watch and Preston Wilhelm is arrested, if you check the security camera for PrintFax using your smartphone, Preston is still there!
Back Lot
  • When Harvey Scoops gives you the telephoto camera, you don't know how to use it. You seem to only know how to use a digital camera. But in Ghost Story Island, you use an old-fashioned camera to photograph the cemetery specter without a complaint!
  • If you are in the HQ elevator and you're not on the the ground floor, if you log out and log back in, the elevator will magically be on the ground floor again and you'll plummet down the shaft! Interestingly, you simply fall back in rather than getting locked out. [NEEDS PICTURE]
Legendary Swords
  • You cannot normally swing the sword while on a rope, which makes sense. But if you do a keyboard emote (like Ctrl-Shift-4), then you can swing the sword as if you're standing up.
  • At the end, click on your rocket's hatch to disappear behind it. Then, quickly jump up and move around. You'll be invisible!
GeneralBugs in the Poptropica engine rather than any particular island.
  • Do any keyboard emote except Ctrl-Shift-4 while on a rope. After it's complete, you will be standing on that part of the rope!
  • Do the angry emote while on a rope, and move up or down when your face turns red. It'll stay red until you touch the real ground. Also, if you don't move, your eyes will stay closed.
  • Sometimes, it's possible to see Chat-Battle-Friend icons above NPCs (non-player characters), or even yourself. If you friend these people, you'll get a friend named Maroon Rider. Her stats look like she's never played any Poptropica island nor multiplayer room game, but, strangely, she has your photos (even though it says she has none). I got it by going under the boardwalk on Wimpy Boardwalk and zooming out. There are many other ways, though; see this picture.
  • While sliding on a very long stretch of ice (like the mountain cave on Nabooti), you do the slowing-down emote twice.

Skip Dialog

Some people 'skip' dialog by just walking away. However, if you do this, then the NPC you're talking to will not be able to give you an item, or open a door, or whatever they're meant to do. The Skip Dialog Cheat gets around this, though! Also, it works even if you have the swirly loading mouse. You can even use it on yourself, so it's especially useful in long stretches of dialog. It works in multiplayer rooms, so you can silence all of the annoying chatter. I could go on and on!
The few places this does not work:
  • When two people talk at once, only one can be skipped.
  • On the bank vault guard in Ghost Story (only while the dog is pawing at the ground), though it works on the dog!
  • On you in Ghost Story, when you are collecting the locket.
  • The videos in Post-Production or in the theater on Back Lot.
  • The chef in Spy when he says 'Watch carefully and remember the order of ingredients.'
  • On E. Vile's hologram in Legendary Swords.
  • When you return from jail to the museum on Counterfeit and wonder where the security guard is.
  • When you're interviewing people in Mystery Train. That's a shame, it could have come in useful...

*The Keeper

On the surface, Ctrl-Shift-S and Ctrl-Shift-H seems to just change your Poptropican's skin color. However, it's called 'the Keeper' for a reason. It lets you keep any temporary items you might be wearing, even when you're in a minigame or your mouse is in the swirly loading state. For example, if you change your appearance (either with Ctrl-Shift-S or Ctrl-Shift-H) while you're in one of Mr. Yoshi's games, dressed up in Back Lot, holding a torch in Time Tangled, or any time the game temporarily changes your look -- your current look will become permanent. Awesome, isn't it?

Cold Coffee

A variant of the Keeper; in the diner in 24 Carrot Island, drink a cup of any color juice and as you are drinking it, repeatedly press Ctrl-Shift-S or Ctrl-Shift-H. Your game will become frozen, with the loading mouse. Now reload the page and you'll be holding a cup of cold coffee! Or whatever that black liquid is.

Costumize Anything

The security dog from Lunar Colony You cannot normally costumize dogs, cats, babies, robots, and other not-quite-Poptropicans. However, those things are actually normal Poptropicans in strange poses and/or shrunken down. And there is a glitch that lets you costumize them! Here's the procedure:
  1. Click on the thing you want to costumize to start a dialog.
  2. Immediately go to Friends, and click on your first friend.
  3. Scroll to the right until your friend is no longer visible.
  4. Click the small blue Costumize button (shirt icon) and the thing you clicked on will be in the Costumizer window!


The tricks in this section require having the cell phone from Nabooti Island (click here for the guide).
That dirty old cell phone from Nabooti Island is more than it seems to be. If you dial a few 'magic numbers', you get costumes! Give dialing some of these:
  • * 911: wear a police cap and a gun belt. [911 is the emergency number in the U.S.]
  • * 411: wear a brain cap (technically, it's a hair item, since you can wear a cap over it and it replaces your current hair). [411 is used to call for information in the U.S. and Canada]
  • * 1225: wear a Santa hat and hold a bag. [Christmas is on Dec. 25, or 12/25]
  • * 1337: wear a Ned Noodlehead/Comic Kid costume, minus the hair. [1337 means 'elite' in leetspeak]

Global Quests

Some quests, like Earth Day, Dr. Hare's Secret Lab, and ad rooms, are not really islands of their own but attached to whatever island you started them in. That means that if you have an island-locked special ability, like the Jet Pack from Early Poptropica, the Flying Power from Super Power, the amulet from Twisted Thicket, or any gadget from Spy, you can use it on those quests! Simply...
  1. Go to an island that has a special ability and turn the ability on (flying, gadget, etc.)
  2. Go to your inventory (or go to Main Street for ad quests) and launch/enter the quest.
  3. Enjoy using your ability in the quest!
Earth Day especially becomes a breeze with the Jet Pack.

Learn to Fly

Get the Members-only Clapboard item from the store (it's for Back Lot Island). Equip it, then move your mouse above your Poptropican and keep it pressed down, so you start to repeatedly jump straight up. As you're doing this, hit the spacebar. You will magically jump up, even if you're in midair! Keep doing this, controlling the frequency that you hit the spacebar, and move your mouse slightly to the left or right to move. You can almost explore an entire scene in this way! One problem: if you do this too many times too fast the scene will start to run very slow. You can also do something similar on the modern islands; click here for that.

Did you Notice?

Sharp eyes and an extensive knowledge of Poptropica are essential to finding these (largely useless) little facts. They are not actually glitches, because they were meant to be that way.
  • If you save on a classic island, then when you return you will always be facing left, no matter where you were facing when you saved.
  • The chef in the B.A.D. Bistro on Spy Island is holding the same spoon in his hand as the Booga Shaman on Shark Tooth.
  • The secret agent hiding in the trashcan on the Spy Docks is actually wearing the trash can, not balancing it on his head! Try costumizing him.
  • Dogs, cats, and babies in Poptropica are actually normal Poptropicans in strange poses and/or shrunken down. The Costumize Anything glitch from above will let you see how they truly look.
  • In Legendary Swords, there's a spiderweb saying 'Some Pig'. This is a reference to E. B. White's novel Charlotte's Web.
  • The camera you use when you take a Poptropica Photo is the same camera you use on Cryptids Island.
  • In Virus Hunter, the bottom of the lungs are covered in chunks of a slimy lattice of green hexagons. This may be a reference to The Andromeda Strain, a novel by Michael Crichton. In it, a deadly extraterrestrial microorganism that is green, hexagonal, crystalline, and covered in slime, infects people through their lungs (don't worry, it's not real). However, it's microscopic. The book also has a secret government program going on (called Wildfire), similar to the PDC in Virus Hunter.
  • There are several references to the 1985 movie Back to the Future in Night Watch Island. Take a look at this image.
    1. The gray car is a DeLorean (with a parody logo). In the movie, the time machine was a modified DeLorean (here's a picture).
    2. The red car is Marty McFly's car in the movie.
    3. The mall is called the Twin Palms Mall; in the movie, the time machine was first tested in the parking lot of the Twin Pines Mall (picture).
  • In the auto repair shop on Monster Carnival, there's a number plate reading (an abbreviated form of) 'Poptropica HQ' and a sign saying 'Krpata Motor Oil.' This is a reference to the Poptropica Creator Mitch Krpata, a.k.a. Hades. Another license plate reads 'Design Land,' and Krpata is a designer for Poptropica.
And once again -- this page will always be a work in progress. Comment if you have any suggestions!
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