Poptropica Golden Vase

Time Tangled Island

  1. Poptropica Golden Vase
  2. Poptropica Golden Vase Make
This is one of the more complicated islands, and also a very fun one. In Time Tangled, you must reverse the damage done by Pendulum, whose time machine malfunctions and destroys the future while he is on vacation. You, and only you can fix the future for future generations!
  • Jun 05, 2012  Our full walkthrough for Poptropica Time Tangled Island. We have split our walkthrough into 2 parts and also included full walkthrough cheats.
  • Jun 18, 2008  Get the golden vase. It's on the bottom floor of the cave. Click it when you find it. You have approximately 30 seconds to get the golden vase. Be careful of the water puddles on the bottom floor. Water and time will cause your torch to burn out and you having to start over. Follow the map and you should reach the vase in time.

Video Walkthrough

Poptropica Golden Vase

Walkthrough - Time tangled Walkthrough for Poptropica PC: A lady is standing outside of Pendulums Lab crying. She will talk about your mission. When she goes into Pendulums Lab, follow her. Go to the right until you see the lady again. This time she will give you a mission printout that you can read in your items inventory. You will learn more about the Future Machine from the lab assistant.

Poptropica Cheats for Time Tangled Island

Let's fix the future! Okay, but to get started, you'll first have to find a time machine. Go right. Once you reach Pendulum's Lab (with the distressed lady in front), go in and right again. Talk to the people there, and they will tell you WHAT the problem is with this town. Then go downstairs and push the switch all the way right to activate the time machine. Now jump back up and travel to the future (just hop into the machine.) What's happened?! This isn't right at all!
The future is in ruins! Once you've gotten over that shock (or I may be exaggerating a bit), go left and talk to the (boy, in my case) person there. You'll soon find out he's your future self. Hmm... things are getting interesting! He (or she) will explain the situation, and then give you a small pocket time traveller that will look like this:


Now that I've started you off, the cool part begins. Basically what you do on this island: pick up something at return it to another time period. Here are the cheats (look at the 'Details' section below after you're done with this):Poptropica Golden Vase
  • Greece (328 BC) Get: phonograph Give: vase
  • Vikings (831 AD) Get: vase Give: amulet
  • Mali Empire (1387 AD) Get: declaration Give: salt rocks
  • Leo's Workshop (1516 AD) Get: Sacagawea coin Give: notebook
  • Aztec Empire (1519 AD) Get: mountain goggles Give: sun stone piece
  • China (1593 AD) Get: amulet Give: signal fire bowl
  • Thomas Jefferson (1776 AD) Get: salt rocks Give: declaration
  • Lewis & Clark Expedition (1805 AD) Get: signal fire bowl Give: Sacagawea coin
  • Thomas Edison (1877 AD) Get: sun stone piece Give: phonograph
  • France (1882 AD) Get: notebook Give: Statue of Liberty model
  • Mount Everest (1953 AD) Get: Statue of Liberty Model Give: mountain goggles

Poptropica Golden Vase Make

You can do these in any order. There are also little floating buttons all over the time periods that give facts and educational info about the place from Fact Monster.


Most of the stuff up there will make no sense on first glance, so this section here is to explain it all. And here we go...
So how do we start? What I do for this island is go to ancient Greece first, collect the phonograph, and then follow the chain reaction (of giving and taking items.) To find the phonograph, jump on top of the vase to the right of the treasury, then to the winged statue. From there jump left and onto the roof. Snatch the phonograph and take it to Thomas Edison. Go into the workshop and find the great inventor on the left side of the second floor. Give back his invention and run outside. Go left and jump on the bicycle on steroids. Turn it on by clicking on the engine and jump to the tree when it comes into view. make your way up and jump off left to the roof. What the..? What is that doing in his chimney? Whatever it is, you're gonna need it, so grab it and take it to the Aztecs.
Walk right, veeery slooowly, until you see the statue. Go a little right, then jump right and try to land on the steps. You have to do this because there's a crazed guard down there who will WHACK you if you get too close. Climb up and talk to the king. Yes! The sun stone is complete. Now before you zoom out of this creepy place, do a huge blind leap to the right. You'll land on another pyramid-shaped building. Climb up and talk to the old warrior. He will give you his headdress. What are you supposed to do with this thing??? Wear it, then drop to the ground. Start walking left. Now that you look like a fellow guard, the crazy one won't try to kill you. Talk to him and you will receive his 'mask.' Take it to Mount Everest.
Run right, over the bridges, etc., then jump up at the end. Walk left, and jump over the soft snow. Keep going, and make your way quickly up the tower. jump right, jump over the gap, and climb the rope. Talk to Edmund and Tenzing. Hey, you have his goggles! Give 'em back to Edmund, then follow him up the next rope. Here, climb quickly up the ledges without being hit by those pesky icicles. The trick is to KEEP MOVING. At the top, you can collect a Statue of Liberty model. So much trouble for a little trinket! Now you can teleport to France, or dive a couple ten thousand feet to your right.
Run left and into the workshop. Give Barthodli his study model, then leave the room. Jump on top of the crate, and then to the roof. Walk left and onto the head of the Statue of Liberty. Then climb the structure and walk all the way left at the top. Huge blind leap to the left from there to land on the ledge of the other building. If you are lucky you'll collect the notebook from there. Now go to Leo's Workshop. Run left and jump on top of the big boulder. Then climb up the waterfall using the ledges. Jump right at the top and keep going. Hop over the gap and climb the structure. Leap to the left at the top and go into the workshop. Jump to the second floor, walk left, climb the rope, and slide off right. Hey, it's the Mona Lisa, Poptropican-style! Keep going and talk to Da Vinci. Give him his notebook. Hey, this is the first time you got a reward for your good deeds! It's also be the last for this island... leave the workshop now and walk right until you drop off the wooden platform.
Hop over the gap again and stomp on the lift-thingy. Climb up the platforms and jump on the other one there, to the left. Get off the platform and slide off right. This time there'll be a platform there under the gap to save you. From there jump right and collect the Peace Medal. Take it to the Lewis and Clark Expedition and give it to Lewis. Well, it's not about keen eyes, it's the fact that I have a time travel device! Now climb the tree to the highest branch and wait for the bear to pop out. What's that on his head? Grab it as he's coming out. The trick is to jump before he's completely out so that he can't go back in until it's too late. Make sure you're not wearing the gliders while doing this; you'll never do it in time! Take the bowl to China.
Run right and gently take the gunpowder. Don't want to blow up the only person who can fix the future! From the mound there, jump right to the wooden platform. jump up, go right, and talk to the guy there. He will offer you the amulet he's wearing if you beat him in a memory game. What you gotta do is track the tile that has the same design as the one on the top. He will shuffle them, and if you pick the right one at the end, you will win. Jump off left and onto the wobbly platform. Keep going left, climb the rope, slide off, and drop off left from the platform you're on. Walk left and return the stone bowl. You can send some smoke signals yourself if you want. Then rush to the Vikings.
Run right and give the amulet to the first Viking there. Then jump right to the grassy platform there. Keep jump-climbing up and click on the cave-in to light the gunpowder. BOOM! The cave is open! Run inside and follow the directions below before your torch goes out.
  1. walk left and drop down, past the suspended platform.
  2. jump right
  3. jump up
  4. jump right
  5. walk right
  6. drop down the many platforms
  7. jump left to the platform in the water.
  8. NOTE: if you land in the water, you are doomed.
  9. keep jumping over the platforms in the water
  10. walk left and collect the golden vase.
Dive into the water or wait till your torch goes out to return to the mouth of the cave. Teleport to Greece now or keep reading to find a special prize. TO GET THE PRIZE: wear the glider, then climb to the ledge at the top of the cave entrance. Do a huge jump to the right. You'll land on a platform with a Viking suit on it. Cool! Unfortunately you have to wear the whole suit or none of it. ;/Poptropica golden vase look
So you're in Greece now... talk to the guard on the right to donate the vase. You don't need to talk to the Oracle. Just speed off to the Graff House (Thomas Jefferson.) Make your way right, jumping over the porcupines. Climb to the top of the house using the windows. Snatch the salt rocks from the chimney and run to the Mali Empire. Walk right and hop onto the ledge poking out from the building. Jump to the other building, then to the tree. Jump right, then up and give him the salt rocks. Looks like these guys use salt as currency! Walk right and jump to the building below, avoiding the snake. Jump up, then up again. Leap right over the big pillar and go into the Timbuktu Inn. Walk left, jump to the shelf, and jump to the second floor. Talk to the document merchant and he will give you a draft of the Declaration of Independence if you complete a puzzle of the king Mansa Musa. Take it inside the Graff House and give it to Thomas Jefferson, who is by the bed on the second floor. Hooray! You've completed all the time periods. Now you can return to the good old 21st century!
Enter the lab, power on the Future Machine, and go in. Yes! The future has been repaired! Now to obtain your medallion... run all the way right and into the air tube. You'll be blown up to the monorail stop. Wait for it to come, then get into it. Jump to the top, and when you see the other monorail above you, jump up to it. (The future does look very energy-efficient). When this monorail reaches the very left, jump up and onto the floating elevator. What a sweet ride! Jump off left at the top and enter your future home. Walk right, jump over the gap, and talk to your future self. Yes! Finally something at the end of the rainbow: a gold medallion.
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Time Tangled Island is the name of the 3rd island to be released on Poptropica. This one was converted to Beta on November 11, 2013. In the Time Tangled Island, you will be able to see a cave which is called Poptropica Time Tangled Cave.

Before talking deep about the Poptropica Time Tangled cave, it is better for you to know more about the island named Time Tangled Island. Time Tangled Island is the one island that is really fun if you want to adventure. The basic thing is to travel to the different periods of time and fix the future. You can do it by finding different objects that have been lost and then placed in the wrong time period. You start in the future and then can travel to different time periods using the special travel device. Basically, you can travel through time in any order you like. However, it will be easier for you to go in order around compass either clockwise of counter clockwise.

Where is the cave in the Time Tangled Island in Poptropica? In the land of the Vikings (2 o’clock, 831 AD), you have to go right and up the hill. That is where the cave is located. Inside the Poptropica Time Tangled cave, there is the Golden Vase that can be found.

In order to get in or to open the cave, you have to go in front of the cave with the entrance blocked by a bunch of rocks. Please click on the rocks in order to use the gunpower from the Great Wall of China (6 o’clcok 1593 AD). By doing that step, the entrance will be cleared. Then, you must quickly locate the vase by going down, up, up, up, across, down, and left, jumping three puddles of water at the end. Once you enter the cave, you will have about 30 seconds inside the cave in order to find the Golden Vase. For those who are curious, this item is located in the bottom left corner. You are able to use the map to find one. If you fire extinguishes before you can reach the golden Vase, you will have to return to the cave entrance and you will have to try again. Once you return it to the oracle on the hill in the Ancient Greece (328 BC), that period will be restored.

For further information about the thing called Poptropica Time Tangled cave, the very first thing that you can do is to visit the official website of Poptropica. It is the most reccommended place when it comes to Poptropica. Aside from that, there is also the page on Wiki that you can read. If you have any question and want to explore your knowledge of Poptropica Time Tangled cave, you can try to join the community related to Poptropica Time Tangled cave. Joining the community will help you to explore your knowledge and solve the thing. Since there are more than you, everything will be better.

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