Episode 3 Poptropica Survival

  1. Survival Poptropica Episode 3
  2. Poptropica
  3. Poptropica Survival Episode 1 Walkthrough
  4. Dallas Radar

Here is the cheats walkthrough guide for Poptropica’s Survival Island episode 3, Distress Signal. You will find both a video walkthrough as well as a written one below to help you get through this episode of Survival Island! If you haven;’t already guessed it, in this episode we will be creating a distress signal to better our chances of getting rescued in this!

Survival Island Episode 3 Walkthrough – Distress Signal

Cheat or Hint: You will have to do some of these things in the exact order I do them. You will be fine if you just follow the guide!

Mar 07, 2014  Survival Island is the first episodic island released by Poptropica. Instead of arriving all at once, it was released in five separate episodes. The story follows your sudden crash landing on a strange island, your immediate need to seek warmth, food and shelter, and then some unsettling discoveries about who lives on this island. Oct 22, 2017  See the full guide at: r r This is the video guide for Poptropica Survival Island, part 4 (Cabin Fever). Your rescuer offers a hot meal and a comfy bed, but youre not his guest — youre a. Poptropica is an online role-playing game, developed in 2007 by Pearson Education's Family Education Network, and targeted towards children aged 6 to 15.

When you first get to the island, you are going to run to the right past a big tree and a “keep out” sign. Just past this sign you will see a note above you on a platform. Without toughing any exposed wires, jump up to that platform and grab that note.

Just to the left of the sign we passed earlier, you should have seen a hard hat stuck in the trunk of a tree. You will need to climb to the top of that tree using the platforms to it’s right and jump down that trunk ultimately getting the hard hat! If you are confused, please see the video walkthrough.

Once you have the hard hat, you need to head to your right until you get to the exposed wire, drop down between the exposed wire and you will pick up some wire which will help us make a battery later.

Now head to your right into the next section. You will notice that there are parts to something all over the place, a car or plane maybe? Use the trees to jump up and you will see that a plane crashed into them. Go to the right side of the plane and drop down. In the plane you will find a manifest. After you grab the manifest, go to the very left side of the plane (inside still) and click on the radio.

Something will happen and the plane will tip down. You will fall out and now we need to find a way to get that radio! Head right into the next section.

Here you will see another part of the busted up plane. Jump on the right side of this and it will tip down and give you a platform to stand on over the freezing cold water. Use this platform to jump onto the island to your right. Here you should see a satchel or pack.

Now we need to cut down that tree in order to get the satchel. Head right into the next section and here we are going to find two things we need. A pocket knife and a nail. To get these items, head all the way to the right of this section and use the rock to jump up to the tree and get all the way to the top. You will find the nails in another section of the plane just to your left and you will need to jump even further left to drop down and grab the pocket knife. Please see the video walkthrough if you are confused!

Now that we have the pocket knife, run all the way back to the first piece of the plane we came across (where the radio is) and use the knife to cut the branch on the left so that the plane equals out again. When it is level again, run in there and grab the radio!

Hint or Cheats: Be careful! After you grab the radio, the plane will start to fall. Get out before it is too late.

Now that you have the radio, head back to the right and cut down the tree that the satchel is in. Click on the satchel and you will see that we now need to find a 100% copper penny. This will be used to get our radio to work. Keep clicking on the pennies and moving them until you find the one you need. This penny will look much older than the other ones.

After you have the penny, head right again and we will need to grab the lemons that are hanging from the tree. What we are going to do is use the tree to the right to get up to the branch the lemons are tied to. Now we need to cut this branch.

Survival Poptropica Episode 3

Survival 3 walkthrough

Once you have done this, jump on this branch and when it gets to the ground, go ahead and use your pocket knife to cut the rope. The lemons will come crashing down and break open. Pick up one of the lemons.

Episode 3 Poptropica Survival

Cheat or Tip: If it does not let you pick up a lemon, leave this section and come back!

After we pick up a lemon, it is time to make the battery to power our radio. This is kind of hard to explain so here is a very short video on how to do that!

Basically you are going to put the penny and the nail into the lemon and then connect the black wire to the nail and the red wire to the penny!


Once you have created the radio you will notice a signal bar in the bottom left corner of your game. We need to head all the way left until this signal reaches 5 bars.

Poptropica Survival Episode 1 Walkthrough

Hint or Tip: When you get to the big gap in the ground, go ahead and fall down and when you hit “try again” you will be on the other side!

When you get to the old radio tower, you will need to first let the stairs down using the lever on the first platform. Then climb all the way up!

Dallas Radar

There are a few things you need to do in order to get to the top but please see the video for that!

When you get to the top, go ahead and pull out your radio. You will call for help and someone will answer. You are saved! Or are you?

That will be it for Survival Island Episode 3, Distress Signal. I hope this cheats walkthrough guide helped you get through it quickly.

On Poptropica, Survival Island is the 39th island. This island was released in episodes. The first episode was released on March 20th, 2014 for members and then on April 17th, 2014 it was released for non-members. This island consists of five parts or episodes in total.

You may want to know the secrets of each episode so that you will know what to do there. The title of the first episode is Crash Landing. In this episode, you will be in a dark and stormy night. You are riding in your blimp and a thunderstorm is ranging all around you. You will be stuck in a tree and when you have got to get out soon, you begin a fire to warm yourself up. You have to click on your parachute and you will descend onto the snow. The secret of this part is, if you do not move for a long period of time, your temperature will drop. So, you have to keep it up by running around so that you will not get too cold.

The second episode is Hook, Line and Sinker. In this episode, after completing the first episode, you will watch a cutscene of you climbing down the cliff. Throughout the island, you will discover multiple handbook pages and it will help you on your quest. However, they are optional. In the first area, you will find 3 Handbook Pages, a Fishing Suit, Pillbugs and the Worms.

The title of the third episode is Distress Signal. In this episode, you will begin with a cutscene showing an abandoned radio tower. If it has been over, you will be told the premise: You have found an old radio antenna. Currently, you have to discover a way to call for help. You will discover a Hard Hat stuck inside a hollow tree trunk. If you want to get it out, you have to climb into the top of the tree, slide down and then get the hat.

The title of the fourth episode is Cabin Fever. In this episode, it will begin with you and Myron Van Buren jumping off the planet that picked you up in the third episode. Then, he will lead you inside his home. If you are inside his home, he will explain that he is the biggest game hunter in the world. He also will tell you that he is going to go on a hunt tomorrow and you are going with him.

The title of the fifth episode is Escape. Here, it will start where the previous episode left off, the episode starts with a chase between you and Van Buren. You goal here is to survive. You have to click in the upper half of your screen to jump over things such as bushes and puddles and then click anywhere in the lower half to crouch under tree limbs. You are able to see your distance to Van Buren at the bottom of the screen. Well, we just give you a glimpse of secret, if you need the complete one, you can read on the website of Poptropica Help Blog.

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